Conington Crossing as it appears today. Image Credit: YouTube / UK Level Crossings Channel
A railway crossing in England has gained something of a haunted reputation over the years.
Situated near Peterborough, the Conington Crossing - which at a glance looks like any ordinary level crossing - has long been the focus of chilling ghost stories and sinister urban legends.
Said to be haunted by the ghost of a colonel and his dog who were killed there in the 1940s, the crossing has been the site of a number of unfortunate accidents - in particular during the first half of the 20th Century during which it had become so notorious that locals had feared to cross it.
One notable accident, which took place there in the 1940s, involved a truck full of German prisoners which was struck by lightning at the crossing, resulting in six deaths.
The accident involving the famous colonel saw his car struck by a train while crossing the line.
He and his faithful dog were reportedly buried near to the scene, spawning a plethora of ghost sightings.
There have also been stories of the crossing's barriers opening and closing, seemingly for no reason, as well as sightings of a 'phantom car' which drives across and vanishes into thin air.
While the crossing received automation upgrades during the 1970s, it still remains a popular destination for paranormal investigators and researchers even to this day.
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