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Paranormal investigator snaps face of 'ghost child' in haunted fort

By T.K. Randall
November 26, 2022 · Comment icon 18 comments

Is this a ghost, a case of pareidolia, or something else ? Image Credit: Colin Waterman / Hunter Tours
Colin Waterman recently photographed something unexpected during a night-time investigation of Fort Horsted, England.
Waterman, who is part of a group of paranormal investigators known as Hunter Tours, had decided to spend the night at the notoriously haunted building with some of his colleagues to look for evidence of the 'other side'.

Exploring the pitch-black corridors of the fort using nothing but torchlight, they thought they had heard something shuffling around in the darkness.

Grabbing his camera, Waterman took a few photographs but saw nothing untoward at the time.

"We did a Ouija board, we were calling out to see if there were any spirits in the area and a little child came through on the board," Waterman told Kent Live.
"They spell out the letters, we said 'are you a little boy?' and it went to 'yes', he said that he died there when he was a little boy."

On examining his photographs afterward, he realized that he may have actually captured the boy on camera.

"I skipped past the photo and went 'hang on a minute', and I zoomed in, lightened it up and it came up as a little face," he said. "I've got a few in the past but nothing as clear as that."

"You get the little goose pimples to think I was actually standing there and that was looking down at us and we didn't see it."

But while the shape in the image does look like a young child's face, it's not possible to rule out that it could simply be a case of pareidolia - the brain's natural tendency to see meaningful shapes in abstract patterns.

What do you think ?

Source: Mirror | Comments (18)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #9 Posted by joc 2 years ago
The answer to the question is a resounding NO!  Looking at the original did he even see anything to talk about?   But let's analyze the original photo one more time.  What we have is the original photo, with a box highlighting the face.  And then we have another 'close up' of the face highlighted with a box.  Question is:  Why can I not increase the original picture and get a close up of the image myself the way the photographer did?  It seems like there are actually two photos.  The original photo...and then a close up of the face which is apart from the original photo. Â... [More]
Comment icon #10 Posted by stereologist 2 years ago
New and improved papameter reading 0% paranormal 70% manipulated image 30% pareidolia 100% original papameter model never works
Comment icon #11 Posted by Saru 2 years ago
I don't think the original (presumably high-resolution) photo was published anywhere, unfortunately.
Comment icon #12 Posted by stereologist 2 years ago
This is just a typical fake story of ghost hunting. The ghost hunter fakers need to get a little money to cover their expenses of another pointless ghost hunting trek. How laughable is ghost hunting? Well this image tells us all.
Comment icon #13 Posted by Bed of chaos 2 years ago
It looks very cartoonish, almost like a Nintendo character.
Comment icon #14 Posted by the13bats 2 years ago
My take is fake and on purpose hoax but both saru and joc are correct if my weary mind is following. Here is the full shot.. Its all highlight boxes and stuff added to point out where the ghost hunter after scouring the dark background thought he found a good place to play the hoax. The orginal smaller highlight square to the right is crap nothing garbage if you try to enlarge its just more crap, so a lot went on from the crap on the right to get that nice clear face on the larger highlight to the left. I have no clue if its a dolls face or the photo editor just drew it but its not what is see... [More]
Comment icon #15 Posted by CigaretteSmokingMan 2 years ago
That is Brian Peppers
Comment icon #16 Posted by TripGun 2 years ago
Pareidolia FTW
Comment icon #17 Posted by mr3rdrock 2 years ago
I was expecting something metal as hell, like the dude had the ghost kid in a headlock. Stupid me realized "snapped" meant took a photo. Unfortunately, this looks to be more of a case of snapped a photo and then booted up photoshop.
Comment icon #18 Posted by the13bats 2 years ago
I dont think so in this case it looks like a deliberate photoshop.

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