Ghosts & Hauntings
Paranormal investigator snaps face of 'ghost child' in haunted fort
T.K. RandallNovember 26, 2022 ·
Is this a ghost, a case of pareidolia, or something else ? Image Credit: Colin Waterman / Hunter Tours
Colin Waterman recently photographed something unexpected during a night-time investigation of Fort Horsted, England.
Waterman, who is part of a group of paranormal investigators known as Hunter Tours, had decided to spend the night at the notoriously haunted building with some of his colleagues to look for evidence of the 'other side'.
Exploring the pitch-black corridors of the fort using nothing but torchlight, they thought they had heard something shuffling around in the darkness.
Grabbing his camera, Waterman took a few photographs but saw nothing untoward at the time.
"We did a Ouija board, we were calling out to see if there were any spirits in the area and a little child came through on the board," Waterman told
Kent Live.
"They spell out the letters, we said 'are you a little boy?' and it went to 'yes', he said that he died there when he was a little boy."
On examining his photographs afterward, he realized that he may have actually captured the boy on camera.
"I skipped past the photo and went 'hang on a minute', and I zoomed in, lightened it up and it came up as a little face," he said. "I've got a few in the past but nothing as clear as that."
"You get the little goose pimples to think I was actually standing there and that was looking down at us and we didn't see it."
But while the shape in the image does look like a young child's face, it's not possible to rule out that it could simply be a case of pareidolia - the brain's natural tendency to see meaningful shapes in abstract patterns.
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