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World of the Bizarre

Scammer steals man's money, then convinces him to set bank on fire

By T.K. Randall
February 10, 2023 · Comment icon 5 comments

If someone tells you to set a bank on fire, don't do it... Image Credit: Pixabay
The unfortunate victim not only lost his life savings but also managed to get himself arrested by the police.
Scammers are everywhere these days, meaning that it is critically important to be wary of anyone who rings you up claiming to be a bank employee - especially if they ask you to move your money.

One recent such case involved a 48-year-old man from Russia who was contacted by a scammer claiming to be a "representative of Russia's largest bank".

The hapless target was not only told that there was "suspicious activity" on his account but also that he needed to transfer all his money to a series of other accounts to safeguard his savings.

As if this wasn't bad enough, the scammer then told the man that the only way to stop the perpetrators from trying to steal his money was to set his local bank branch on fire with a Molotov cocktail.
Seemingly unperturbed, the man followed these instructions to the letter.

It wasn't until the police had apprehended him that the full circumstances were revealed.

Sadly, the man is now likely to face charges in addition to having lost his money.

The scammer, meanwhile, appears to have gotten off scot free.

Source: Oddity Central | Comments (5)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Mr Guitar 2 years ago
....and they breed...
Comment icon #2 Posted by Gumball 2 years ago
Are there sub categories at the Darwins?
Comment icon #3 Posted by Roshman 2 years ago
Dim and Dimmer.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Bendy Demon 2 years ago
I have no sympathy for the so-called 'victim. Just how irretrievably stupid do you have to be to commit arson because some faceless **** told you too? Isn't there a thing called 'police' or maybe an organization that helps with money matters? Seems like there is an incurable pestilence of some special strain of stupidity that is slowly overtaking a bulk of humanity.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Galactic 2 years ago
 That's is something I haven't heard long time until now and its an new story added about scammers in different level takes ones money and tells him to commit arson. I do agree with Bendy Demon said on that matter of the subject, is it going to be world record with darwins added with twist?   

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