USAF once investigated case of 'alien' who made pancakes for witness
T.K. RandallMarch 21, 2023 ·
Did an alien make pancakes or was the witness hallucinating ?
One of the strangest cases in all of Ufology involved an alleged alien encounter reported by chicken farmer Joe Simonton.
We've heard a lot of bizarre stories over the years, but this one is in a league all of its own.
The incident occurred on April 18th, 1961 when Simonton, who owned a chicken farm in Eagle River, Wisconsin, claimed to have witnessed a shiny metal object land outside his house.
The 54-year-old described how the craft had opened up and a humanoid entity appeared.
At first, the otherworldly visitor simply motioned to him that it wanted something to drink, so Simonton grabbed a cup from the kitchen, filled it with water and then gave it to the creature.
Things quickly took a turn for the absurd, however, when, a short time later, one of the aliens reportedly entered his house, grabbed a pan and started cooking a batch of pancakes.
The entities then re-entered their craft and flew off, knocking down a pine tree during their ascent.
Simonton's account of what happened would go on to be investigated by Professor J Allen Hynek of Project Blue Book, who took him out to dinner and quizzed him about what had happened.
Samples of the alien-made pancakes were even sent away for analysis, but the results later indicated that there was nothing special about them - they were just ordinary pancakes.
In the end, it was concluded that Simonton had likely experienced some sort of psychotic episode and that he had essentially hallucinated the entire thing.
"The conclusion on the Project Blue Book Record Card for the report is that Simonton, 'suffered a hallucination followed by delusion'," wrote author Charles Lear.
"This is a rare instance in the Project Blue Book files where a witness's mental condition is used as an explanation. Whether or not those in the flying saucer community agreed with the explanation, the Air Force couldn't be accused of ignoring the case."
The Sun |
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