Science & Technology
Excitement grows over potentially world-changing 'miracle material'
T.K. RandallAugust 2, 2023 ·
LK-99 would enable much more efficient transfers of energy. Image Credit: Pixabay / jplenio
A new type of superconductor called LK-99 has been dubbed one of the holy grails of physics and engineering.
A couple of weeks back, two new scientific papers published by researchers in South Korea claimed that the team had successfully created a revolutionary new superconductor capable of working at room temperature and under normal pressure.
Such an achievement would represent a major breakthrough because existing superconductors require cold temperatures and high pressure, thus limiting their potential use.
The trouble is, nobody has been able to corroborate the existence of LK-99 and there have been similar claims before that have subsequently ended up being debunked.
Unsurprisingly, scientists have been quick to urge caution over the new research.
It is certainly not outside the realms of possibility that a room temperature superconductor could become a reality - some researchers allege that it is at least theoretically feasible.
So far, though, nobody has been able to conclusively demonstrate that it can be done.
Whether or not the scientists in South Korea have actually succeeded remains to be seen.
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