Do you have a source for this ? I'm not trying to push a narrative in favor of the Yeti's existence, but I also don't think we can conclude 100% that bears alone account for every sighting.
That alleged sightings have trailed off? Yeah, not too many articles sensationalizing a "Climber gets astonishing glimpse of fabled creature" headlines. Not even here in the forums from our strongest proponents of that sort of creature. If it's the bear conclusion, then we'll start here for a succinct summary. "Science solves the mystery of the elusive Yeti" “We didn’t set out to debunk the myth. We were open-minded, and we did learn something,” said Lindqvist, a scientist in the department of biological scie... [More]
Exactly. you see the tracks laid down by a bipedal creature, as it never gets on all four. And yes, those tracks often go very far. But as long as I have followed BF, I have never seen a case where mysterious footprints suddenly turn into prints by a 4-legged creature. Also, those footprints are not that of a bear's. One last word: several states have no bears but do have BF sightings. Uh ohhh
You're right. Also, because of their physiology, they walk with their front paws elevated forward from their body. Not like a hominid with a swinging gait. I've seen at least 500 bears in my life, many upright walking sort of for a short distance, but never walking with a human gait. Most times they stand up to catch a better scent,fight, or to catch fish. Not once did I ever think one might be a Bigfoot. I'm with Saru on this.
Bears don't have retractable claws like a cat. Their tracks, especially in snow, are very unique with claw marks. This is not a bear track. I don't know what it is, but speaking from a life long trackers experience, it's no bear.
Which states? Are you sure they don't have bears? Careful, we've been down this road. No need to have a discussion go sideways over bears and turkeys and such. Yes, I still remember that discussion.? When you say tracks "often go very far" how far? The distance of the track fields of alleged creatures is never provided.?
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