The new show, which investigates UFOs and paranormal encounters, features Mitch Horowitz and Chrissy Newton.
There have been quite a few new shows covering the UFO phenomenon in recent years and now another one has debuted on the Discovery Channel - Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction.
As the title suggests, the show focuses on (but doesn't exclusively cover) UFO and alien encounters with UFO experts Mitch Horowitz and Chrissy Newton investigating the available evidence for each case to determine if a conventional explanation can be found.
"After listening to each firsthand account, the duo taps into the latest intelligence, technology and tools to investigate the reported activity," the press release reads.
"Using recently declassified UFO documents, databases and more, the pair closely analyze the visual and physical evidence to separate fact from fiction. They'll then render a final verdict on whether each individual experience has a verifiable explanation, or if they believe it to be a real alien encounter."
The first episode centers on the case of a farming couple from California who believe that they have captured evidence of the afterlife, followed by the case of a geologist who claims to have found an important new piece of evidence at an alleged UFO crash site.
"As audiences listen to these intimate encounters, they can judge for themselves what they believe before our experts weigh in with facts," said network president Howard Lee. "It packs the thrill of the unknown with a hunt for evidence, while satisfying the thirst for knowledge."
You can check out a trailer for the new show below.
He was a little mixed up about vision quests though. A child cannot know they are on one. They have to literally be rock bottom and think no one will help them thus creating a subconscious thoughtform allowing them to help themselves.
I’m watching the first episode now. A local geologist believes he has recovered remains from the Roswell crash. It will be interesting to see the results from the analysis, which should hopefully be presented right after this commercial break. Sigh.
The results are in. The sample was found to be pure aluminum. And, it had been involved in some type of crash or explosion. Apparently this is a big deal because pure aluminum is not found in nature, and has been associated with other crashed UFO sites.
It’s also a low strength metal used for a variety of things right here on Earth. But not in aircraft construction. Probably why the aliens keep crashing.
Pure aluminum is no good for reentry because it burns so no wonder they crashed. But it's used on weather balloons. Aluminum and it's alloys are used on prop planes.
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