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ET search could focus on alien transmitters

By T.K. Randall
October 19, 2013 · Comment icon 82 comments

The Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Hajor
A new focus for SETI could be to look for extraterrestrial transmitters within our own solar system.
The idea stems from the concept that if an intelligent extraterrestrial race were using a probe to study our planet then in order to transmit the data back to their own solar system they would need a means with which to send a signal over long interstellar distances.

In a recent paper, Michael Gillon of the Observatory of Geneva outlined his thoughts on how this could be achieved and how it could represent a new opportunity for us to seek out evidence of ET.
His proposition is based on the concept that an alien transmitter could use the sun's gravitational field as an amplifier to boost the signal, a technique that could also be used in the future to help us communicate with our own interstellar space probes.

Gillon maintains that astronomers could monitor the solar focal regions of neighboring stars within our solar system to look for signs of transmitters as this would be the most likely place to find them. Anomalous radiation readings at one of these locations could be an indicator that there was something there and then a probe could be sent to take a closer look.

Source: Discovery News | Comments (82)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #73 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
What IF we are the transmitters ? like in our hard core wiring DNA and just our ability to even dream up such Ideas ? Sleep on it ? Mate, if we are, Zoser is the cartoon channel.
Comment icon #74 Posted by Kludge808 11 years ago
What IF we are the transmitters ? like in our hard core wiring DNA and just our ability to even dream up such Ideas ? THis is an interesting concept. I wonder what the side effects would be.
Comment icon #75 Posted by spacecowboy342 11 years ago
Its my understanding that "light" (photons) can also be quantum in nature. Quantum in nature, absolutely, but still not faster than light.
Comment icon #76 Posted by Jacques Terreur 11 years ago
the currency here is credibility, and right now, you're dead broke. nice post Psyche, and that part above almost killed me!
Comment icon #77 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
nice post Psyche, and that part above almost killed me! Cheers Brah, I just do not get where he is coming from, one second it is secret information, next thing you know we find, and as suspected, it's just another imagination. People seem to think they are special because their imagination is unique, but so are bungholes.
Comment icon #78 Posted by spacelizard667 10 years ago
Cheers Brah, I just do not get where he is coming from, one second it is secret information, next thing you know we find, and as suspected, it's just another imagination. People seem to think they are special because their imagination is unique, but so are bungholes. Unless somebody else wants to try shoveling your S*** ....thread dead.
Comment icon #79 Posted by psyche101 10 years ago
Unless somebody else wants to try shoveling your S*** ....thread dead. I accept your proverbial white flag, I suspected that was out of your league when I posted it.
Comment icon #80 Posted by DONTEATUS 10 years ago
Aint he da Bomb ? Our "psyche101 " Can deal it out in Spades ! Hey mate did you read the Story topic at the top of the threads column ? I gave a few smoochiee`s and credits due to our Fourm. Its in Site News & Announcments ,under Story`s !
Comment icon #81 Posted by DONTEATUS 10 years ago
Look at the Thread title ? Seem`s a bit on the edge right? Well I say Pull out that Antenna and start those Transmissions ! careful how far you pull on it ! ,remember the little blue pills for those transmitters over 70 years old ! I see ya Laughing up there Mid !
Comment icon #82 Posted by Hammerclaw 10 years ago
What!?!? This thread? It can't be, but it is......

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