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GM cows produce healthier milk

By T.K. Randall
June 18, 2012 · Comment icon 30 comments

Image Credit: Malene Thyssen
Scientists have been working on creating genetically modified cows that can produce healthier milk.
For years efforts have been underway to make animal produce healthier by genetically modifying the animals. Not only has this recent accomplishment succeeded in doing so but a second project has produced milk that can be consumed by people suffering from lactose intolerance.

"Ordinary milk contains lactose, while milk produced by our modified cow will have relatively low content of lactose, or even have no lactose," said Dr Zhou Huanmin. The science team hope that within 5 to 10 years time there will be herds of these no-lactose cows through which a whole new branch of dairy products can be sold.
In two separate breakthroughs, researchers have revealed that they have successfully created a calf whose milk could be drunk by people suffering from lactose intolerance and a second animal whose milk contains high levels of "healthy" fat found in fish.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (30)

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Comment icon #21 Posted by Render 12 years ago
Sorry for the confusion, Render. I didn't read the atricle, no. I'm just fed up with the state of the world & wanted to vent. It just seems as if overall, concerning nature, everything keeps getting altered. From GMO crops, genetically modified food and now milk. Just stop modifying things and leave nature to be natural. And i apologize for reacting a tad aggressive. But like you, I'm fed up with ppl always giving their negative parrot-opinion on something they obviously don't understand. I completely agree with the fact that we do destroy a lot of things and try to invent something to fix... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by 3amfright 12 years ago
Huh. I'm currently reading a book, "Robyn's Egg" by Mark Souza & the genetically perfected healthier cows that produced the most meat & the most milk in the book were duplicated & manufactured throughout the world....and then promptly wiped out by a single virus that removed the entire cow population becasue they were all one perfect genetic strand....welcome to the future of starvation & the extinction of the cow population. Diversity is necessity.
Comment icon #23 Posted by karmakazi 12 years ago
And i apologize for reacting a tad aggressive. But like you, I'm fed up with ppl always giving their negative parrot-opinion on something they obviously don't understand. I completely agree with the fact that we do destroy a lot of things and try to invent something to fix it. And careful regulation is a must, especially in the field of GM. On the other hand, things change and are modified ... this is evolution The terms nature and natural aren't absolutes. Their definitions change. I think you're confusing evolution with progress. Evolution is creatures adapting to their environment. Progress... [More]
Comment icon #24 Posted by Bildr 12 years ago
Only bad thing about soy milk, if you're a man and you regularly drink it, it kills your testosterone. Well, i've always wondered if that was true, since i've knowed guys who drank this for years and never had any problem at all. Even myself is drinking this for a long time and i'm still a hairy/bearded as hell guy(lol). What I would really about is hormones is our meat; since that the vast majority of industrial farms give hormones to their cattle(specially pig and chicken).
Comment icon #25 Posted by Render 12 years ago
I think you're confusing evolution with progress. Evolution is creatures adapting to their environment. Progress is creatures adapting the environment to suit themselves. No, im not. You're talking about survival of the fittest. Which is by definition the most well adapted form to the environment. Evolution by definition is : ev·o·lu·tion/ˌevəˈlo͞oSHən/ Noun: The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the... The gradual development of something, esp. from a simple to a more complex form. What humans d... [More]
Comment icon #26 Posted by karmakazi 12 years ago
If you read the article why are you asking questions the article gives you answers to? It does not give those answers, but you apparently read it and inferred what you wanted to hear. You wanted to know if the proces provides a problem for offsprings. The article clearly states they are still waiting for the already succesfully born calf to produce offsprings herself so she starts producing the low lactose milk. Which means she has not yet had offspring or produced the milk, so it is not yet known how her offspring will fare on her milk. Meaning that the article does NOT answer that question. ... [More]
Comment icon #27 Posted by jgorman628 12 years ago
Could be good or bad, only time will tell. It is way too early to make any judgement on the overall effects of genetics. There is only one way to tell though, go through with it and analyze the future offspring and side effects.
Comment icon #28 Posted by Render 12 years ago
It does not give those answers, but you apparently read it and inferred what you wanted to hear. Which means she has not yet had offspring or produced the milk, so it is not yet known how her offspring will fare on her milk. Meaning that the article does NOT answer that question. I've said before. They are still waiting for those results so they kinda expect the calf to get a healthy offspring so they in turn can produce many more offsprings. Don't you think scientists that know a heck more than you about this maybe think this through a bit and try to narrow down what sort of results... [More]
Comment icon #29 Posted by karmakazi 12 years ago
Well you did kinda make a tirade here. It's kinda exhausting to be honest with you. My original post wasn't a tirade, it was a comment of my opinion. Yes, it has turned into a tirade after you posted in an insulting manner... what do you expect when you call someone a hypocrite and say things like "people like you"? I tried to explain my position on the subject to you, and you've been more insulting, doing your best to comment in such a way as to make it look like I'm panicking or scared or stupid. Unfortunately, a lot of your replies show a lack of comprehension and, because of that, aren't v... [More]
Comment icon #30 Posted by Render 12 years ago
so anyway..i think we can ALL relax a bit knowing if will take another 10 years until it's ready for human consumption. Cuz they, yanno, try to test stuff sufficiently. So have a run, take a sauna, do whatever you need to get of your high-non manipulated-horse.

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