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Peter Fotis Kapnistos

Porous Earth, hidden ocean

October 23, 2014 | Comment icon 1 comment
Image Credit: NASA
In ancient times, subterranean realms were associated with the Greek Hades, the Nordic Svartalfheim, the Christian Hell, and the Jewish Sheol. Dante Alighieri’s Purgatory hill in “The Divine Comedy” (1300s) was a tunnel to the inner earth, which was supposed to be the resting place of all persons before an eventual ruling of justice.

When Isaac Newton proposed the law of gravitation, British astronomer Edmund Halley who discovered the famous “Halley’s Comet” suggested the Earth consisted of concentric spheres. The interior of the Earth was possibly inhabited with life and illuminated by a glowing atmosphere. John Cleves Symmes, Jr., a veteran of the war of 1812, campaigned for the idea of interior concentric spheres in 1818. Symmes quickly became the most well known promoter of the hollow Earth theory.

New York physician Cyrus Teed proposed a “concave” hollow-Earth hypothesis in 1869. Instead of assuming that we dwell on the exterior surface of the planet, Teed argued that the Universe revolves within the interior of a concave hollow Earth, which he called Koreshanity (after Cyrus the Great). Teed founded a pseudo-religious cult called the Koreshan Unity based on his unusual cosmological concepts. David Koresh (born Vernon Wayne Howell), the leader of a Branch Davidian religious sect, perhaps believed himself to be the modern-day Cyrus the Great or a prophet of Dr. Teed’s hollow-Earth beliefs. (76 men, women and children died after a U.S. government siege ended with the burning of the Branch Davidian ranch in 1993.)

Marshall B. Gardner published “A Journey to the Earth’s Interior” in 1913 claiming that the inside of the Earth was hollow and housed a Sun; he also believed that the inside of the Earth could be reached through the north and south poles. More recently, the hollow Earth theory has been linked to Hitler and Nazi Germany. The Nazis were convinced of many occult beliefs and practices, including astrology, the prophecies of Nostradamus, and the hollow/inverted Earth theory or “hohlweltlehre.”

The Nazis sent their expedition under Heinz Fischer, an expert on infrared rays, to the island of Rugen in the Baltic in April 1942. One of the purposes of the mission was to make use of hollow-Earth curvatures to spy on the British fleet. Astronomer Gerald S. Kuiper reported: “High officials in the German Admiralty and Air Force thought this would be useful for locating the whereabouts of the British fleet because the concave curvature of the earth would facilitate long-distance observation by means of infrared rays which are less curved than visible rays.”

In June 2011, Peter Lindberg, Dennis Asberg and their Swedish “Ocean X” diving team discovered the “Baltic Sea anomaly,” a 60-meter circular rock-like formation on the floor of the Baltic Sea. “The team reported that the formation rests on a pillar and includes a structure similar in appearance to a staircase, leading to a dark hole.”

Experts said that it is most likely a natural geological formation. But it was reported that the Baltic Sea anomaly interfered with or disabled all the electronic equipment, feeding speculation that the structure could be a Nazi World War II anti-submarine device or a “flying saucer.”

Discrete observers throughout history such as Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus have reported unidentified submersible objects (USOs). Writings attributed to St Bartholomew contain some remarkable details on the subject of USOs. Original Greek manuscripts at Vienna and Jerusalem, which may be as old as the 5th century, indicate: “And there came up out of the bottomless pit a wheel.” Its Latin fragments, which date to the 6th century, similarly state: “And a wheel came up out of the abyss.”

These archaic texts in fact describe a wheel or disk-type flying craft soaring out of the depths of the sea, many centuries before flying saucer reports were in style. Repulsive wardens waging a war against “God” controlled the strange craft. The wheel was large enough to include “canales” or pipelines containing abducted humans who appear to have been held against their will: “For into this pipe are sent they that through their gluttony devise all manner of sin.” (Recent reports of wheel-like objects flying into and out of the seas — in connection with abduction experiences — are now generating renewed interest in unexplained phenomena beneath the Earth. Sleep paralysis may not be the proper explanation for all abduction cases because some reports do not involve sleep.)

Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole in 1926 and over the South Pole in 1929. But the official U.S. government release of Byrd’s diary revealed erased records. His erased diary led to widespread allegations of a cover-up. A so-called “secret diary” of Admiral Byrd was later circulated among raw supporters of the hollow Earth theory. In that disputed diary, Byrd allegedly told of entering the interior of the earth and traveling over mountains with green vegetation. After crossing subterranean lakes and rivers, he discovered life resembling prehistoric animals. He eventually came across cities and a prosperous civilization in the hollow interior realm.

When Jules Verne wrote “Journey to the Center of the Earth” in 1864, he inspired a new genre of impressionist romantics. One of the most peculiar aspects of the hollow-Earth theory is that it produced two roads — a “subconscious polarity” of opposite tendencies and contrary qualities. In other words, the North Pole interior is said to be positive whereas the South Pole interior is considered negative.

The North Pole legend regularly centers on a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. Jansen’s sloop supposedly sailed through an entrance to the Earth’s interior at the North Pole. For years he lived with the inhabitants of the Agharta Kingdom. According to the writer Ellie Crystal (crystalinks.com), Agartha is analogous to the Lost Eden or a sunken Atlantis, which still exists as a celebrated city that is said to reside in the Earth’s core. Initiates guided by masters who are the spiritual leaders of humanity inhabit the inner realm. They do not meddle in the lives of humans that live above the surface. Nor is there any communication from them, alike to underworld spirits of the departed. However, the race of supermen and superwomen do occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race.

But the South Pole is where Nazi Germany wanted to create a line of soldiers to rule the world. There is a legend that says Hitler and his chiefs escaped the last days of the Third Reich by going through the opening at the South Pole (Antarctica) where they discovered an entrance to the Earth’s interior. This narrative is full of twists and turns with Nazi-designed UFOs, and Nazi collaboration with scheming aliens (a race of Aryan people) who live in the center of the Earth. The Thule Society, which was closely watched by Hitler, reported Tibetan expeditions to find openings into the Earth. Allegedly, Hitler was influenced by concave hollow-Earth ideas and sent an expedition to spy on the British navy by aiming cameras up into the sky. Based on a 1944 German submarine fleet speech by Admiral Dönitz, there is also speculation that Hitler ordered a research mission to build an “an invisible fortification” in Antarctica.

At the beginning of 1939, a Nazi submarine expedition explored a hitherto uncharted part of Antarctica. New Swabia (Neuschwabenland) is a cartographic name given to an area of Antarctica where a Nazi colony was allegedly established. (Rothschild Island is an island 39 kilometres long, mainly ice covered, also in Antarctica.) Rodney Cluff on his “Our Hollow Earth” website had a copy of a letter (with translation) supposedly sent from a Karl Unger that was aboard the U-boat 209 (commanded by Heinrich Brodda) saying that they had reached the inner realm.
A year after World War II ended, the U.S. Navy mounted Operation “High Jump,” which according to different critics was basically an invasion of the Antarctic. The primary mission of Operation Highjump was for the United States to set up an Antarctic research base. However, some evaluators claimed that in 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion against “former Nazi interests in Antarctica.”

On March 5, 1947 the “El Mercurio” newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article “On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas” which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta:

“Admiral Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he ‘didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly’ but that it was ‘a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.’”

The Polaris solid-fuel ballistic missiles were tested in the 1960s. Wernher von Braun made a trip to Antarctica in 1967. It was noted in a number of reports that by means of Operation Paperclip’s former Nazi V-2 rocket scientists, Walt Disney distributed space colonization films to give approval to the ballistic missile arms industry. Once the general public agreed, human actors never “returned” to the Moon. Space colonization plans were thrown away, but ballistic missile sales increased.

According to the Canadian-based German Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, Nazi elite troops escaped with their “space technology” into the hole at the South Pole. In the 1997 novel “Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth” by Max McCoy, Indy comes into the possession of a bewildering journal hinting at the reality of a subterranean civilization that he and the Nazis battle to find. The quest will lead him to a massive cavern beneath the snow, portal to the legendary Ultima Thule — the key to Hitler’s mad plan for world domination. Does a sophisticated culture live in the hollow interior of the Earth?

Putting aside mythology, modern geologists don’t speak of a hollow Earth. But they do concern themselves with the Earth’s “porosity.” The Earth’s interior is porous like a sponge. Underground caves and “porosity evolution” determine the range of pore sizes. Absolute porosity is the total of all void spaces present in the Earth’s interior. The void space is expressed as a percentage. The exploitation of natural resources, for example groundwater and petroleum, is partly dependent on the properties of porosity. It is the ratio of the volume of openings (voids) to the total volume of material.

Porosity represents the storage capacity of geologic material. So, in a roundabout way, the Earth is distinctly hollow after all, as determined by crack and fracture systems, which are the functions of geological strain.

In 2014, a reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans was discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding could help explain where Earth’s seas came from: “Jules Verne was on to something.”

“In his classic 1864 adventure story Journey to the Center of the Earth, the French novelist imagined a vast ocean deep within the planet’s bowels. University of Alberta scientists have found the first direct evidence that he wasn’t far off.

Co-author Steve Jacobsen of Northwestern University told the New Scientist that the hidden water might also act as a buffer for the oceans on the surface, explaining why they have stayed the same size for millions of years. He wanted to find out if a hidden ocean wraps around the entire planet. In this up to date buffer assessment, the “hollow” Earth acts rather like a heart pump to keep up a continuous flow of water and activate geological processes on the surface, such as earthquakes or erupting volcanoes.

Another riddle of modern geologists is that according to Einstein’s general relativity theory, gravitation is the curvature of space-time. Consequently, if an object could experience the reversal of gravity by passing through the Earth’s porous center, could it also experience the reversal of space-time? In other words, could we time-travel into the past — and to an opposite zone of relativistic space? Are there perhaps small holes at the central part of every planet or self-gravitating system? If so, might they be the portals or stargates to hyperspace?

In physics, the “twin paradox” is a thought experiment where a person who makes a journey into space in a rocket will return home to find he or she has aged less than an identical twin that stayed on Earth. The same could also be true with acceleration and deceleration when cruising the Earth’s interior. Would a clock traveling into the Earth’s interior lag behind a clock on the surface?

Today, deep underground military bases (DUMBs) are scattered throughout the world. Some are allegedly financed by so-called black budgets. When asked if it’s true that there are “cities” deep under the ground, a scientist who once helped build the Channel Tunnel smiled and replied: “There are nations.” Bearing in mind that the “Chunnel” is merely a public subway beneath the English Channel, one can hardly take in the immensity of underground bases reserved for the ruling elite:

“The idea of a hollow Earth appears in myths and legends of various cultures. Greek legend refers to a paradise region known as Hyperborea. According to legend, the people of Hyperborea enjoyed good health and lived 1000 years or longer without growing old. Chinese and Eskimo legends state that there is an opening in the North to a subterranean realm where an underground species resides. They believe the underground realm is a paradise and is where their ancestors came from. Eskimo legend also states that the underground paradise is a place of perpetual light where the sun never sets.

Hades (or Pluto) was a name for the ancient underworld, which likewise guided the way to Elysium and the “fortunate isles.” The legend of a bottomless abyss as a primeval well somewhere beneath a Near East embankment seems like a naive belief in our day. Yet ever since the Second World War, the Mediterranean Sea has given shelter to some of the world’s most covert submerged naval bases. Middle East conflicts fall back on those top-secret fortifications. At this time, the Mediterranean Sea hides away some of the most advanced positions of operational activity and deep underground military bases. Do nations pass beneath the borderline of a primordial abyss? Comments (1)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Hammerclaw 10 years ago
You should include Etidorpha, by John Uri Lloyd to the reading list, as it also concerns the Subterranean World, much in the manner Verne's book. http://www.sacred-te...h/eti/index.htm

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