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Kathleen Meadows

Predicting death

September 3, 2016 | Comment icon 1 comment
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It happens every once in a while, that a client asks me when someone they love is going to die. Well to be honest, sometimes its related to someone they don’t love so much. Not always is this question asked with dread or fear. There are worse things to suffer than passing onto spirit after all. They’re relation may be suffering a painful illness, addiction or old age and waiting for the release of death themselves.

I seldom reveal this information however, and never if the person is asking about themselves. Discernment is a completely different matter from magic. In other words, seeing destiny is different from making it. I have no interest in rushing someone to their final moment.

The Death Look

The insight that death is imminent however, may come in a flash, unbidden and unexpected. I recall the first time I witnessed what I later learned was the death look. It was on my grandmother’s face as she lay in a hospital bed. Her facial skin was an unnatural translucent white and her lips were a contrasting bright red. I blinked wondering if it was the horrible hospital lighting but from several angles her face appeared the same. She died in less than a week after that vision, to most people’s (not mine) surprise and dismay. I was twelve years old when my grandmother passed to spirit.

Years later I saw the “death mask” on the face of an employer who was going through a terrible time. Facing bankruptcy and coping with a wife who was hospitalized with a mental breakdown he looked terrible anyway. But one day I noticed his face was gray/white and his lips were bright red. I knew I was looking at a man who was dying and indeed he passed less than four months later with a cancer that had begun in his liver about the same time I saw his “death mask”.

I’ve seen that look on a number of faces since and it’s has always proven to be a signal to me that the person is not long for this plane of existence. When I was younger I would stare at my own face in the mirror watching for that white face and very red lips. That’s the problem with awareness! It can make you annoyingly neurotic.

I have no idea if this death face actually exists or if it’s just the manner in which I see the vision as the soul is preparing to depart from the body. After a few visions I have come to recognize these distinctive, facial colour combinations. As I became more adept as recognizing the facial signs I started to notice other things too. Like the person’s hands. The way they hold their hands, the veins, and the stillness in them. That signal is a little harder to describe. The soul’s presence would seem to be the most apparent in a person’s face and hands. At least it is to me.
Psychic Must Learn to Interpret Symbolic Language

That’s the nature of psychic visions. They are personal. Like interpreting a dream, a psychic must learn to interpret the symbolic language your psyche is using to convey the message. You might not for example see the dying face the same as I do. Your colours might be very different. Why I see a white face and bright red lips I have no idea. All their life energy seems to be localized in their lips. I’ve thought maybe it’s symbolic of the “kiss of death” or “having the last word” but that’s only a wild guess.

When someone asks me if the person they are dating is the one they will spend the rest of their lives with, I can discern that only by the fact that I have no vision at all of them going into the future. I cannot see them together. It’s more a matter of absence than presence that indicates to me they won’t be in a relationship in the future. Sometimes I hear a precognitive audio recording of them saying at some future time that they have split with this person. I do have fairly accurate precognitions of conversations (clairaudience) whether it will take place with me or another in their lives. My telepathy does seem to reach into the future or past.

You Must Learn Your Symbolic Language

This is why reading books or studying psychic ability is not the best way to come to understand its power and dynamic. Authors can describe what they see, feel and hear, but this is not universal. You must learn your own unique psychic, symbolic language. Some have a special dream before a particular event takes place in their lives. After having the dream and waking life sequence a few times, they know when the dream comes to them something life-changing is about to happen.

Knowing someone is nearing the gate of the spirit world is not easy information to receive or pass on but then so much of what I foresee isn’t. Life is hardly a bowl of cherries. We are born, grow, suffer and die. In between we have joyous moments of abundance, deep love and stellar success but these are typically fleeting and unsustainable.

Developing your own psychic senses however, will help you to prepare to face the challenges ahead. Knowing when someone is about to depart to the spirit world can be the motivator you need to say what you have to say before it’s too late. That’s a gift worth working toward. Kathleen Meadows, M.A. is a practicing psychic advisor in Canada. You can read more about her work at

If you are interested in the esoteric sciences and psychic ability development you will find the articles on my web site an interesting read. Visit my web site Comments (1)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by MissJatti 8 years ago
It was not to long ago where my Aunt died. Chimo killed her. It seemed like she knew she was going to die. She was very weak and bad on her last day, and at 10:00pm she ask her son for the last time for a hug, and while hugging she died. And we were thinking, the probability of asking for a hug just before she passed away. I mean she always gets hugs and all the love, she doesn't have to ask for one, and to my believe she ever did ask. Did she knew she was about to die that time, that why she asked for the hug?    

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