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Sean Casteel

Project Magnet 'exposed'

December 31, 2017 | Comment icon 0 comments
Image Credit: NASA
Though it is a little known fact, the truth is that certain individuals with ties to the Canadian government have secretly been promoting the idea that UFOs are operating in Earth's atmosphere and are piloted not by "monsters," but by a group or groups of individuals who are as human as we are but are technologically more advanced than the human race.

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer (1963-1967) shocked the media several years ago by stating that he was convinced that off-world visitors have been zipping across the heavens for thousands of years, and that it's not impossible that aliens have infiltrated our society and are walking the streets undetected because they resemble us almost identically.

But as much attention as Mr. Hellyer's remarks might have gotten in the press, many decades before, another Canadian had made similar bold remarks concerning Ultra-Terrestrials coming here either from other planets or from a parallel universe.

*** So let us begin by journeying back in time to when UFOlogy was young and the groundwork was being laid for the greatest cosmic adventure the world has ever experienced. "Project Magnet" tells the story of a Canadian radio engineer's transformation from scientific, nuts-and-bolts UFO researcher to ardent follower of the Space Brothers' philosophy.


Even as an ardent student of UFOlogy, you may not know the name of Wilbert Smith. He is an unsung hero in the field, but remains indisputably important in the more than 50 years since his death in 1962.

Global Communications CEO Timothy Green Beckley has recently assembled a book that pays tribute to Smith and the 1950s, the era in which Smith pursued the truth of the UFO mystery. The new book is called "Project Magnet," with the subtitle – "The Objects in the Sky Are Not Stars!"

Beckley writes in his introduction: "Almost forgotten these days, Smith was a highly-educated engineer who coaxed the Canadian government into establishing Project Magnet, a threadbare project to study and treat reports of UFOs seriously so as to determine who – or what – might be behind this mysterious phenomenon that was seemingly taking over the skies of North America after the end of the Second World War."


Project Magnet began operations in 1950 with the purpose of studying, among other occurrences, magnetic phenomena. Wilbert Smith, a senior radio engineer from the Canadian Department of Transport, was put in charge of the project. The goals of Project Magnet were fueled by the concepts of geo-magnetism, and the belief that it might be possible to use and manipulate the Earth's magnetic field as a propulsion method for vehicles.

Smith came to believe that this technology already existed in the mysterious UFOs that had been sighted so frequently in Canada, the U.S. and the rest of the world.  He felt that the "correlation between our basic theory and the available information on saucers checks too closely to be mere coincidence."

Nevertheless, Smith's approach to the study of UFOs was a pragmatic one.

"It is perfectly natural in the human thinking mechanism," Smith wrote, "to try and fit observations into an established pattern. It is only when observations stubbornly refuse to be so fitted that we become disturbed. When this happens, we may, and usually do, take one of three courses. First, we may deny completely the validity of the observations; or second, we may pass the whole subject off as something of no consequence; or third, we may accept the discrepancies as real and go to work on them. In the matter of saucer sightings, all three of these reactions have been strikingly apparent. The first two approaches are obviously negative and from which a definite conclusion can never be reached. It is the third approach – acceptance of the data and subsequent research – that is dealt with in this report."

To this day, there has never been a clearer statement of how to take an honest and open-minded look at the UFO phenomenon. Smith's urging his peers to accept the strange and mysterious "discrepancies" as the starting point for serious research has echoed down through UFOlogy in the decades since but has sadly remained mostly unheeded.

Smith went on to explain that the data he and his team had to work with consisted largely of sightings reports as observed throughout Canada. This included many reports from the field representatives of the Department of Transport, whose job it is to watch the sky and who are trained to do precisely those kinds of observations. Useful data was also obtained from instruments, such as those at ionospheric observatories.

But Smith cautioned against expecting too much from the field stations because of the very sporadic nature of the sightings. And laboratory studies were useless without some kind of specimen with which to experiment, and it was not likely that such a specimen would be obtained any time soon. So, according to Smith, we are then forced to rely on "deductive reasoning," at least until it is possible to work out procedures more in line with conventional experimental methods.


In 1950, prior to the establishment of Project Magnet, Smith was attending what he called "a rather slow-moving broadcasting conference in Washington D.C." He had some time on his hands so he circulated around, asking a few questions about flying saucers. "Which stirred up a hornet's nest. I found that the U.S. government had a highly classified project set up to study them, so I reasoned that with so much smoke maybe I should look for the fire."

Smith subsequently made "discreet enquiries" through the Canadian Embassy staff in Washington, who were able to obtain for him the following information:

1. The matter is the most highly classified subject in the U.S. government, rating even higher than the A-bomb.

2. Flying saucers exist.

3. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush, who some maintain was the initial guiding force behind a secret government cabal known as Majestic 12, created to monitor a number of UFO crashes, including the one in Roswell, NM (circa July, 1947) in which several alien bodies were recovered from the wreckage. It was Bush and company's purpose to foil the flow of information on the UFOs to the American public and to literally censor the truth about the arrival of ETs on our planet.

  4. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.

Smith said his investigations were a matter of simple curiosity and that he began as an extreme skeptic, fully expecting the phenomenon to be manmade or created by natural causes. He gave his credentials as an impartial and qualified researcher, saying, "I am 48-years-old, hold a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering, occupy a responsible position in the Canadian government, hold half a dozen patents, am author of several technical papers, and in general enjoy a background in technical work and science indicating at least an average competence to study and report on phenomena of a scientific nature. I have tried so far as possible to use conventional and standard methods and equipment to investigate all possible angles before drawing any conclusions. In other words, I have followed the same general procedures which I would have followed if I had undertaken to study some more prosaic subject, such as radio wave propagation."

One of the foremost revelations in "Project Magnet" is Wilbert Smith's report that he was told by U.S. officials on his various visits to Washington that they had retrieved at least one UFO that had crashed in the Southwest at Roswell and were examining the remains of the corpses of several alien bodies found within the wreckage (unconfirmed). The revelation to Smith that a craft from outer space may have crashed in the desert is said to have stunned him at first, but later he came to take such bombshell events in stride.

As stated above, American scientists had gone so far as to declare that the existence of flying saucers should be kept more highly classified than the development of the atomic bomb. Because of these revelations, Smith went back home to appeal to his superiors not to let the Americans pull ahead in their findings about these flying discs and urged that Canadian researchers begin their own official study, which was quickly established under the "code name" Project Magnet. 

The story of what Project Magnet uncovered is a major part of this just released tome edited by publisher Tim Beckley. The book also includes updated revelations by contemporary researcher Grant Cameron (PresidentialUFO.com) as well as a bonus history of humanoid and creature sightings and close encounters throughout Canada by the late amateur astronomer John Musgrave, who worked while on a grant from Ottawa's government. Perhaps the most exciting part of this book is the disclosure that Wilbur Smith was a UFO contactee himself and was in touch with others on a regular basis who claimed to have received communications from off-earth dwellers.


It is important, in the light of where his studies would eventually take Smith, to establish his credibility as a pragmatic scientist approaching the UFO subject in the utmost of "real world" terms. Smith explains, "If we are to rely on sightings data alone, we are bound to get a rather one-sided idea of these creatures. For example, we see saucers traveling at terrific speeds and then suddenly stop or change direction. Under our concepts of physics, no creature of flesh, blood and bone could withstand the terrific forces which would be associated with such actions.  Therefore we are led to assume that the saucerians must be some manner of robot or a creature the like of which we have never encountered."

He also points out that, in spite of their unknowably high level of technological achievement, the UFO occupants have never simply landed and announced that they were taking over the earth. This is perhaps because they regard us as in the same general category as the other flora and fauna native to this planet and believe our civilization is so primitive as to be indistinguishable from that of the lower animals and insects.     

But such speculations don't necessarily lead us to the truth, according to Smith. Fortunately the UFO occupants HAVE made contact with certain earthlings deemed to be capable of receiving the information and passing it along to others. Along with the many sightings reports Smith began collecting and analyzing claims of contact with the aliens and to assemble what he felt were the mores and ethics of the people from the flying saucers.

"It adds up to a complete and elegant philosophy," Smith wrote. "These people tell us of a magnificent cosmic plan, of which we are a part, which transcends the lifetime of a single person or a nation or a civilization – or even a planet or solar system. We are not merely told that there is something beyond our immediate experience; we are told what it is, why it is, and our relation thereto. Many of our most vexing problems are solved with a few words; at least we are told of the solutions if we have the understanding and fortitude to apply them.
"We are told of the inadequacies of our science," he continued, "and we have been given the basic grounding for a new science which is at once simpler and yet more embracing than the mathematical monstrosity which we have conjured up. We have been told of a way of life which is utopian beyond our dreams and the means of attaining it. Can it be that such a consistent, magnificent philosophy is the figment of the imaginations of a number of misguided morons? I do not think so."

If such is the case and all of this is known, the reasonable person asks, then why has it not been publicized? Why aren't we studying the sciences gifted to us by the aliens instead of atom bombs?

The answer, Smith tells us, is that it HAS been publicized. Books have been written and thousands of copies sold. There are many periodicals available containing this knowledge, which may be had for a nominal sum. Reports have been prepared by serious investigators and presented "through the proper channels."


"But it is truly said," Smith acknowledged, "that one can lead a horse to water but one cannot make him drink. There are probably as many private reasons for not facing up to the facts as there are people who refuse to do so. However, it is consoling to realize that, through the humble and often criticized comic strip and science fiction stories, the younger generation is being conditioned to accept the reality of people from elsewhere, and when given the opportunity to do so avidly assimilate all they can get on flying saucers and the people who fly them."

One is struck by the overwhelming transformative power the study of UFOs and their occupants often has on people. Smith's interest in flying saucers began as a mild case of curiosity and over a few years became something like a religious fervor.

In a portion of Smith's writing collected in "Project Magnet," entitled "The Battle for Man's Mind," he feels called upon to warn his readers about a grave danger we are all facing, either consciously or unconsciously. Two great forces are striving to gain control of man's mind, a struggle that has been going on from time immemorial.

"But never in the world's history," he wrote, "has the conflict been more intense than it is in this present era of confusion and unrest. In the old days, mankind was often made to suffer physically, unspeakable things in the name of power. But today, with man's mind more developed and better educated, he is now facing the prospect of a refinement of even greater mental and spiritual cruelty – unless he is prepared to protect himself with right thinking."

Smith describes one of the two great forces as positive, leading us to thoughts of harmony and the concept of the love of God and the brotherhood of man. The other force is negative, encompassing the antichrist philosophy and serving a mad lust for power. The battle takes place on both the physical and metaphysical fronts with the object being the spiritual salvation of mankind or our utter destruction.  


Man's brain, Smith teaches, operates on the metaphysical plane like a two-way radio, transmitting and receiving messages along the airwaves of the universe. [This is a very apt metaphor, when one considers that Smith was a government expert on radio broadcasting.] Man's brain is open to both good and bad input, which he either accepts or rejects according to his stage of evolution.

Messages received through esoteric sources, purporting to come from the Space Brothers, who take an active interest in our spiritual welfare, warn us that an even greater conflict is being fought on the metaphysical plane. The lower or negative forces that damned themselves by wrong thinking are projecting strong thoughts earthward in an attempt to bring about our spiritual downfall. On the other hand, the Space Brothers are concentrating equally hard on sending out positive thoughts of goodwill and brotherly love.

"Thus we are being bombarded from the metaphysical plane by two conflicting schools of thought," Smith wrote. "And free will being the criterion of spiritual advancement, it is left to us which we choose to accept. However, from a purely logical point of view, if we want to save ourselves a lot of sorrow both in this life and lives to come, we should arm ourselves mentally against the onslaught of negative thoughts."

It is no time for confused or apathetic thinking, which can lead to the exact forms of negativity Smith is warning us against.  


So "Project Magnet" is more than mere nostalgia. It demonstrates a near prescience on the part of Wilbert Smith, who clearly saw into the nature of our troubled times and the constant struggle our minds are required to muster against evil thought forms and ideas.  

            Publisher and editor Timothy Green Beckley talks about other aspects of the book in his introduction.     

"I have added relevant material from numerous contributors, as well as from both new and archival sources" Beckley writes. "Grant Cameron (the only provider of reliable "Disclosure" updates as far as I am concerned) is a vast depository of knowledge on Smith, being a Canuck himself, and has been exceedingly helpful in my compilation. And since Smith is certainly the most important figure in Canadian UFO history, no work on Project Magnet, as far as I am concerned, would be complete without a little known manuscript I personally published in 1979 by John Musgrave, which is a chronicle of humanoid and critter encounters North of the American side of the border. I was upset to learn Musgrave went into spirit a number of years ago. His work is one of the best catalogs of UFO encounters of the third kind ever published, and it certainly should be shared with contemporary researchers of UFO lore, as it makes the subject of Project Magnet as complete as it could possibly be."

So maybe you should choose, of your own free will, to buy a copy of "Project Magnet"? It couldn't hurt, really, to read how Wilbert Smith's scientific study of flying saucers grew into a spiritual devotion to his fellow man and to the God who teaches us to love one another.






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WALLACE: You say the Canadian official project, what do you mean by the official...?

KEYHOE: There was an official project called "Project Magnet," and they set up an observatory at Shirley Bay to try to track these things. And...

WALLACE: What happened to the official project? You say there was a project.

KEYHOE: Yes. They ran for about a year and they had one sighting on the gravimeter, which indicated that something... a very large object had flow over there, but they finally decided that they were spending a little bit much money on that, I suppose.

WALLACE: For certain, they wouldn't have thought that they were spending too much money on it, if they believed that that kind of phenomena existed.

KEYHOE: A lot of people on the project are still working up there on their own time and certain government officials have still kept the lid on the reports in Canada, just as they do down here. Comments (0)

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