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Jann Burner

The resonance theory

April 14, 2007 | Comment icon 13 comments
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Let me ask you to wrap your mind around the “idea” that TIME, as we perceive it, is not linear. It does not move from the past into the future like a highway. Nor does it begin on page one with something like “In the beginning…” and end three hundred pages later with something like, “and they lived happily ever after.” Just for sake of discussion, imagine that all “time”, everyone’s time, and everyone who you have ever been or will ever be and everything you have ever done or ever will do, is happening right now. And that it is only through the mechanism of your personal ego that you choose to identify with this particular linear spoke, date stamped, 2007. Imagine, if you will, that somehow, you are able to neutralize your date imprint and are able to traverse the “frequency” that comprises the entirety that is YOU. Now here is the interesting part. To a limited degree you can do this right now. And this is because you (Mr. or Ms. whoever) are a “Frequency” of Mind, a frequency of…intent, if you will, and what happens to you in one experience resonates across the specific frequency which is the entirety of you and you, in your current experience, will Feel the vibration!

Have you ever been sort of walking along, just being “you”, feeling perfectly “normal” and then, for no reason at all, you suddenly feel absolutely FANTASTIC! Nothing has changed in your current experience but your mood has suddenly been drastically altered. Likewise you might suddenly feel absolutely horrible, for no reason at all. Or you will have a very near fatal accident, in an automobile or perhaps a fall. These are all resonant effects of events which are happening to “you” along another specific radial within your frequency. You feel fantastic! Something incredibly wonderful has just happened to you along another radial of consciousness and the feeling resonates out over your entire frequency. Of course as it moves, the effect lessens over perceived time and distance. In one life experience you may have a fatal injury. You are dead! In another experience you simply have a very close call and in yet another experience you suddenly come down with a severe headache, or a bad case of the flu. These “feeling events” are also cued into time/date stamps. You die in one life at age 17. In this life at age 17 you break a leg. You are abandoned as a young child in one life. In this experience your parents get divorced when you are the exact same age as in the alternative life. And so it goes. Every thing that happens to you, every significant feeling you get is to a greater or lessor degree stimulated by “you” experiencing yourself in an alternate reality. And, you may ask, “Where does it start? And where does it end?”

This is called The Resonance Theory of Simultaneous Existence. We occupy our consciousness--all at once. What happens in one life experience resonates across all frequencies and influences all other life experiences. These feelings resonate across frequencies like small waves across the surface of the ocean. Our consciousness IS THE OCEAN. Our individuated feelings are like the waves upon the surface of that sea. Sometimes the waves move in unison, sometimes, as in a storm, they move in a very chaotic fashion across the surface. And sometimes, rarely, but it happens, there can be a Tsunami type wave which moves at astonishing speed across the surface altering everything it touches. In recent times these have been called World Wars!

This is sort of like the Butterfly theory of weather. A butterfly flaps its wings in Tibet and a storm begins to form off the Florida Coast. Likewise, in one life experience seemingly limited by a specific time and space, something happens. Whatever the "traumatic" event may be, an accident, a severe illness, the winning of a lottery, getting married, the birth of a child, whatever, we feel that it is a done deal. While we feel that as important as it may be in our current life, it is finished. The reality is that it is NOT finished. The vibrations from these events move across the frequencies like the waves of sound move through the air with the ringing of a very large bell or gong. Or like a ripple will move across the surface of a pond when a stone is dropped into the pool. The psychological model we have been working with, specifically the Freudian model, is extremely naïve and limited.

What we are doing here is not finding a simple trail of breadcrumb clues left along the path in the forest of our very limited current life experience. What we are doing is nothing less than co-creating a tapestry of consciousness, a true work of Art. We are creating this across the vast reaches of what we naively call time and space and we are not doing this alone, but with the direct intent and cooperation of every other conscious entity. What we are doing is growing a holographic universe and with this realization will come a subtle "click," as from the opening of a backdoor, as from the opening of a human mind, and with this, the rings of realization will began to radiate in all directions across the pond of time.[!gad]Let me ask you to wrap your mind around the “idea” that TIME, as we perceive it, is not linear. It does not move from the past into the future like a highway. Nor does it begin on page one with something like “In the beginning…” and end three hundred pages later with something like, “and they lived happily ever after.” Just for sake of discussion, imagine that all “time”, everyone’s time, and everyone who you have ever been or will ever be and everything you have ever done or ever will do, is happening right now. And that it is only through the mechanism of your personal ego that you choose to identify with this particular linear spoke, date stamped, 2007. Imagine, if you will, that somehow, you are able to neutralize your date imprint and are able to traverse the “frequency” that comprises the entirety that is YOU. Now here is the interesting part. To a limited degree you can do this right now. And this is because you (Mr. or Ms. whoever) are a “Frequency” of Mind, a frequency of…intent, if you will, and what happens to you in one experience resonates across the specific frequency which is the entirety of you and you, in your current experience, will Feel the vibration!

Have you ever been sort of walking along, just being “you”, feeling perfectly “normal” and then, for no reason at all, you suddenly feel absolutely FANTASTIC! Nothing has changed in your current experience but your mood has suddenly been drastically altered. Likewise you might suddenly feel absolutely horrible, for no reason at all. Or you will have a very near fatal accident, in an automobile or perhaps a fall. These are all resonant effects of events which are happening to “you” along another specific radial within your frequency. You feel fantastic! Something incredibly wonderful has just happened to you along another radial of consciousness and the feeling resonates out over your entire frequency. Of course as it moves, the effect lessens over perceived time and distance. In one life experience you may have a fatal injury. You are dead! In another experience you simply have a very close call and in yet another experience you suddenly come down with a severe headache, or a bad case of the flu. These “feeling events” are also cued into time/date stamps. You die in one life at age 17. In this life at age 17 you break a leg. You are abandoned as a young child in one life. In this experience your parents get divorced when you are the exact same age as in the alternative life. And so it goes. Every thing that happens to you, every significant feeling you get is to a greater or lessor degree stimulated by “you” experiencing yourself in an alternate reality. And, you may ask, “Where does it start? And where does it end?”

This is called The Resonance Theory of Simultaneous Existence. We occupy our consciousness--all at once. What happens in one life experience resonates across all frequencies and influences all other life experiences. These feelings resonate across frequencies like small waves across the surface of the ocean. Our consciousness IS THE OCEAN. Our individuated feelings are like the waves upon the surface of that sea. Sometimes the waves move in unison, sometimes, as in a storm, they move in a very chaotic fashion across the surface. And sometimes, rarely, but it happens, there can be a Tsunami type wave which moves at astonishing speed across the surface altering everything it touches. In recent times these have been called World Wars!

This is sort of like the Butterfly theory of weather. A butterfly flaps its wings in Tibet and a storm begins to form off the Florida Coast. Likewise, in one life experience seemingly limited by a specific time and space, something happens. Whatever the "traumatic" event may be, an accident, a severe illness, the winning of a lottery, getting married, the birth of a child, whatever, we feel that it is a done deal. While we feel that as important as it may be in our current life, it is finished. The reality is that it is NOT finished. The vibrations from these events move across the frequencies like the waves of sound move through the air with the ringing of a very large bell or gong. Or like a ripple will move across the surface of a pond when a stone is dropped into the pool. The psychological model we have been working with, specifically the Freudian model, is extremely naïve and limited.

What we are doing here is not finding a simple trail of breadcrumb clues left along the path in the forest of our very limited current life experience. What we are doing is nothing less than co-creating a tapestry of consciousness, a true work of Art. We are creating this across the vast reaches of what we naively call time and space and we are not doing this alone, but with the direct intent and cooperation of every other conscious entity. What we are doing is growing a holographic universe and with this realization will come a subtle "click," as from the opening of a backdoor, as from the opening of a human mind, and with this, the rings of realization will began to radiate in all directions across the pond of time.

If you enjoy Jann Burner's columns, check out his new book on Amazon - "The Claire Letters" - a spiritual love story between a San Francisco taxi driver and an elderly retired teacher from Texas. Very inspirational. Comments (13)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #4 Posted by Bearly 18 years ago
It sounds to me like he is saying that we have multiple lives, I assume he means reincarnations, all existing at once, and that we are getting these feelings from our other lives now as our conciousness in this lifes picks up the vibrations of our other life. Interesting speculation, but that is all it is. In 'this life' in which our current consciousness resides, we are born, go through life, and die, in a very 'linear' fashion. And if our other lives are going on simultaneously, do we (our consciousness) than jump into another of our lifetimes when we die and experience that existance at the... [More]
Comment icon #5 Posted by Magic o dolphins 18 years ago
multiple parallel universes?
Comment icon #6 Posted by Bearly 18 years ago
I don't buy into parallel universes either. Wierd stuff is going on at the quantum level, no doubt, but things are totally different that that at the ''macro" level, IMO. So I don't think that there are thousands of "me's" in other dimensions living out the different aspects of choices that I make or don't make, what would be the point. Each choice you make can have an profound impact on your life and the things that you experience in life, so it would get complicated if all choices are lived out in other parallel universes.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Hinducow28 18 years ago
"Listen: Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time."
Comment icon #8 Posted by greggK 18 years ago
This is called The Resonance Theory of Simultaneous Existence. Is that called deja vu? Or is deja vu when all realities intersect at a given point? Reality is different than existence in that existence is and reality can be. Now, the Resonance Theory of Existence has to do with frequency and vibration. Likewise, in one life experience seemingly limited by a specific time and space, something happens. Whatever the "traumatic" event may be, an accident,. . . yes, and the trauma creates a wave of vibration that is discharged as in an atomic collider, the forces colliding puts a sudden stop on the... [More]
Comment icon #9 Posted by anomoly 18 years ago
BULL You start by saying "It does not move from the past into the future like a highway". Could you get any more stupid? You want us to think you know something but you contradict yourself immediately. (1st you say time is not time, then you use 'past' & 'future'). You can't explain something away with the same words, ideas, and principles of that which you would pretend to not exist. You would confuse a human being with time itself. Sounds like you should be preaching rather than explaining. The way I understand time is that it is implacably moving forward like a wall & can only momen... [More]
Comment icon #10 Posted by tuti05 18 years ago
can some one dumb down this theory so i can understand it. is the theory suggesting that everything is happening at the same time and were only experiencing the waves that come to us?
Comment icon #11 Posted by positron 18 years ago
Jann Burner: Let me ask you to wrap your mind around the “idea” that TIME, as we perceive it, is not linear. It does not move from the past into the future like a highway. Nor does it begin on page one with something like “In the beginning…” and end three hundred pages later with something like, “and they lived happily ever after.” Just for sake of discussion, imagine that all “time”, everyone’s time, and everyone who you have ever been or will ever be and everything you have ever done or ever will do, is happening right now. And that it is only through the mechanism of you... [More]
Comment icon #12 Posted by positron 18 years ago
BULL You start by saying "It does not move from the past into the future like a highway". Could you get any more stupid? You want us to think you know something but you contradict yourself immediately. (1st you say time is not time, then you use 'past' & 'future'). You can't explain something away with the same words, ideas, and principles of that which you would pretend to not exist. You would confuse a human being with time itself. Sounds like you should be preaching rather than explaining. The way I understand time is that it is implacably moving forward like a wall & can only momen... [More]
Comment icon #13 Posted by kazimoto 18 years ago
From Wikipedia There are two distinct views on the meaning of time. One view is that time is linear and part of the fundamental structure of the universe, a dimension in which events occur in sequence, and time itself is something that can be measured. This is the realist's view, to which Sir Isaac Newton subscribed. A contrasting view is that time is part of the fundamental intellectual structure (together with space and number) within which we sequence events, quantify the duration of events and the intervals between them, and compare the motions of objects. In this view, time does not refer... [More]

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