Nature & Environment
Big cat spotted in England
T.K. RandallMarch 31, 2009 ·
Image Credit: Wikipedia
A large panther-like creature has been sighted in England by locals walking their dogs. 'Alien big cats' have been sighted for many years in the British Isles and it is believed a viable population continues to live in the wild.
A big cat may be on the prowl in Worcestershire after two men claimed to have spotted a panther-like creature while walking their dogs. The men went to investigate but the cat got up, jumped into the undergrowth and disappeared. The pair spotted the creature as they walked their two whippets and terrier close to the near Bromyard Road, outside Worcester. “It was definitely a cat but not a domestic one, it was huge, it was bigger than our dogs, perhaps the size of an alsatian”, said one of the men."
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