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"Transparent aluminium" created

By T.K. Randall
July 29, 2009 · Comment icon 23 comments

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Scientists have succeeded in creating a transparent form of aluminium through the use of the world's most powerful soft x-ray laser. The material is being hailed as a completely new state of matter with far reaching implications.
Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser. 'Transparent aluminium' previously only existed in science fiction.

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Comment icon #14 Posted by debunker09 16 years ago
So what kind of usage will this discovery yield?Starship windows? why limit it to starship windows? Sound like Autoglass will go out of business!
Comment icon #15 Posted by Pandora7321 16 years ago
With the state of the environment and the world economy the way it is, I think it is incredibly stupid to waste enough energy to run an entire city just to make something that only lasted "femtoseconds". Whatever the hell that is.......
Comment icon #16 Posted by Legatus Legionis 16 years ago
With the state of the environment and the world economy the way it is, I think it is incredibly stupid to waste enough energy to run an entire city just to make something that only lasted "femtoseconds".Whatever the hell that is....... xD if you comare a femtosecond to second, it's like comparing a diameter of a single strand of your hair to the distance between the earth and the sun (au).
Comment icon #17 Posted by Lt_Ripley 16 years ago
now I can that Wonder Woman jet! lmao. that was cool ! yet scary !! kinda halfbaked since she wasn't invisible ..
Comment icon #18 Posted by ROGER 16 years ago
Ya know I think I may have dated this Women!
Comment icon #19 Posted by debunker09 16 years ago
With the state of the environment and the world economy the way it is, I think it is incredibly stupid to waste enough energy to run an entire city just to make something that only lasted "femtoseconds".Whatever the hell that is....... I cant agree. If mankind didnt do things like this there would never be any human advancement. I not saying that this will have a huge effect on scientific progression particularly, but we have to conduct these experiments or we would never find anything out. Incidentally a femtosecond is expressed a 1x10 to the power -15 or 0.000000000000001 of 1 second. For co... [More]
Comment icon #20 Posted by Exterminator 16 years ago
The physical properties of the matter we are creating are relevant to the conditions inside large planets, and we also hope that by studying it we can gain a greater understanding of what is going on during the creation of 'miniature stars' created by high-power laser implosions, which may one day allow the power of nuclear fusion to be harnessed here on Earth.' This statement really caught my attention. I am sure this discovery will help ITER. Imagine the creation of a miniature star within the grasp of mankind, yielding such tremendous energy that would dwarf the sources of energy we have no... [More]
Comment icon #21 Posted by sepulchrave 16 years ago
I was kinda surprised to see this thread, I am currently in Italy at the XAFS14 conference ( and someone gave a seminar on warm dense matter (WDM), mentioning the transparent aluminum. As previous posters have mentioned, there isn't actually any direct use for transparent aluminum (or beryllium, or boron), but these intense X-ray sources allow study of WDM - which is kind of the solid state analogue of a plasma. Plasma is obviously under research as a feasible form of fusion, however plasma behaves like a gas and is very difficult to contain. Perhaps (kind of a big IF at the moment,... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by ninjadude 16 years ago
I find it odd how the (admittedly) astonishing creation of transparisteel could be classified as a new form of matter? I mean how does it behave differently and distinct enough to put it into a new category along with solid, liquid, gas, and plasma? There are many more states of matter than those four source None of the existing states of matter can do this from the article. For a brief period the sample looks and behaves in every way like a new form of matter. In certain respects, the way it reacts is as though we had changed every aluminium atom into silicon:
Comment icon #23 Posted by Agent X 16 years ago
OH MY GOD AM I HAVING A NERDGASM AND A TREKGASM AT THE SAME TIME! Sorry, just had to. Wow. Just WOW! And I don't mean that lightly! But it remains to be seen what the properties are and what the proerties can be applied to. That's a number of years down the road yet. Sill, I LIKE THIS SHIP! IT'S EXCITING! *Does Irish Jig*

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