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Archaeology & History

Relic reveals Noah's ark was circular

By T.K. Randall
January 5, 2010 · Comment icon 51 comments

Image Credit: Französischer Meister
Newly translated instructions found on an ancient tablet over 3700 years old have revealed that Noah's ark was circular in shape.
The ancient tablet was discovered at an unknown location in the Middle East by Leonard Simmons and later passed on to his son. It's written in ancient Babylonian and tells the story of the ark along with the additional fact that rather than the traditional idea of a long pointed craft the ark was in fact a giant circular reed raft.
That they processed aboard the enormous floating wildlife collection two-by-two is well known. Less familiar, however, is the possibility that the animals Noah shepherded on to his ark then went round and round inside.

Source: Guardian Unlimited | Comments (51)

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Comment icon #42 Posted by SlimJim22 15 years ago
A rounded reed craft is as possible as another design. As it was raining it needed a roof though. This is not the sort of source site I'd normally reccomend but the stone anchors are compelling. http://crosscarry.com/bibleproof.html What's the score with dating the story of Noah? His descendants seemed to have exceptionally long life spans if we trust the OT. Would that date it as around 5,000bce or more like 12,000bce. Sumerian had virtually the same myth so likely it was borrowed from them anyway.
Comment icon #43 Posted by digitalartist 15 years ago
A rounded reed craft is as possible as another design. As it was raining it needed a roof though. This is not the sort of source site I'd normally reccomend but the stone anchors are compelling. http://crosscarry.com/bibleproof.html What's the score with dating the story of Noah? His descendants seemed to have exceptionally long life spans if we trust the OT. Would that date it as around 5,000bce or more like 12,000bce. Sumerian had virtually the same myth so likely it was borrowed from them anyway. From my own research: The bible does not give a specific date but James Usher, using the ages o... [More]
Comment icon #44 Posted by Abramelin 15 years ago
Are there any Finno-Urgic flood legends? (Estonian,Sami, etc.) That would be where to look. I was under the impression that the people in the U.K. came from the South and the culture from that area was a "borrowing" similar to the Adena-Middlesex and Laurentian cultural influence on my tribe. Lapiche On my own site I am talking with a woman from Finland, and she posts a lot about the legends of her culture and closely related cultures. But up to now nothing specifically about the Doggerland area or anything even hinting at what happened around 6100 BC in the North Sea area showed up. Only the ... [More]
Comment icon #45 Posted by Piney 15 years ago
Only the Irish legends might have something. Tir Nan Og or Tir Nan Deoir? I remember reading something but that was a long time ago. I also read Poul and Karen Anderson's 'The King of Ys' which has a flood but that was in Brittany?? There might be a relation. Some of the Scottish stories and practices around Loch Mari were kind of exotic for the U.K. I have a aunt and uncle who live there and are interested in folklore so I will ask about any flood legends. Lapiche
Comment icon #46 Posted by Father Of Evolution 15 years ago
It it did happen then the boat would have to ignore the laws of physics in order to house what it did. The Christians could just say as an excuse for their God is that their God doesn't need to apply physics thats why its called a miracle.. they're making excuse for their God.. LOL!!
Comment icon #47 Posted by cormac mac airt 15 years ago
What's the score with dating the story of Noah? Not that there’s any evidence to the Biblical account, there isn’t, but going strictly by what is claimed in the Old Testament the Flood would have occurred in the early part of the 3rd millenium BC. Would that date it as around 5,000bce or more like 12,000bce. Neither. See above. Sumerian had virtually the same myth so likely it was borrowed from them anyway. And the Sumerian myth, itself, places the story in the timeframe between 2900 BC and 2750BC. From Abramelin: Only the Irish legends might have something. From Irish mythology, IIRC, Tí... [More]
Comment icon #48 Posted by lightlyy 15 years ago
hi, i just always thought this was interesting... as a reference to a very large water source... ABOVE the earth. The firmament is Heaven, according to Genesis 8... but in Genesis 9 the waters UNDER the firmament (heaven) get gathered together to let the dry land appear. .. also i find it humorous that Noah released one dove , which never returned! , before releasing the second dove, which did return with greenery in it's beak, showing Noah that the worst was over.... so, was dove # 2 pregnant? because we still have doves ..lol I wish i'd have thought to ask about that in Sunday School... the ... [More]
Comment icon #49 Posted by innerverse 15 years ago
Hmm...Genesis is based on a Sumerian prototype that was maybe written after the flood? That could explain the text's notion that god seperated the waters, the higher and the lower ones, like the water that comes from the skies and the water that is on earth...during the mythical flood these two waters became mixed and man couldn't seperate the waters...so god appears and puts in order the hierarchy of the waters...
Comment icon #50 Posted by sinewave 15 years ago
Well, it became a myth, but it's possible that it is based on a real story... Flood waters deep enough to have left the Ark high up on mount Ararat would have left evidence over a very wide area.
Comment icon #51 Posted by crystal sage 15 years ago
I think this may be a picture of the Tablet discussed here... My link I wonder if anyone is going to try and recreate it to see if it will work? It would be a cool documentary.... or reality show... The tablet goes on to command the use of plaited palm fibre, waterproofed with bitumen, before the construction of cabins for the people and wild animals.It ends with the dramatic command of Atram-Hasis to the unfortunate boat builder whom he leaves behind to meet his fate, about sealing up the door once everyone else is safely inside: ''When I shall have gone into the boat, Caulk the frame of the ... [More]

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