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Giant pterosaurs could fly 10,000 miles

By T.K. Randall
October 18, 2010 · Comment icon 6 comments

Image Credit: Mark Witton, Darren Naish
Scientists believe that prehistoric pterosaurs could have gone for thousands of miles non-stop.
The giant winged reptiles would burn off their copious supplies of body fat to help fuel their epic flights and relied on updrafts of warm air and air currents to stay aloft.
Large pterosaurs may have been the frequent-flier champions of the dinosaur age, capable of soaring up to 10,000 miles (16,000 kilometers) at a stretch, scientists say.

Source: National Geographic | Comments (6)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Myles 14 years ago
I really dislike stories like this. There is not any real evidence that they flew 10,000 miles in one stretch.
Comment icon #2 Posted by cRodz42 14 years ago
agreed Videos or gee-tee-eff-ooh
Comment icon #3 Posted by tipotep 14 years ago
Agreed x 2 They forgot to put the "its a guess" part in the story TIP
Comment icon #4 Posted by SameerPrehistorica 14 years ago
Ive remember, Once i read from somewhere... that Pterosaurs would have travelled around the world.Then after some day i read that they are somewhat heavy and can't fly to longer distances. Hmm...I believe they could be the only flying animals to fly longer distances.May be they have travelled around the world.
Comment icon #5 Posted by SolarPlexus 14 years ago
With a 10m wing span you dont have to flap a lot... Just here and there and let the wind carry you. Who knows maybe they *did* cover such distances...
Comment icon #6 Posted by Emin 14 years ago
10,000 miles to the gallon, wowz! lol

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