World of the Bizarre
University offers zombie survival course
T.K. RandallMarch 13, 2012 ·
Image Credit: CC 2.0 iluvrhinestones
Michigan State University is offering a course that teaches people how to survive a zombie apocalypse.
The course is entitled "Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse: Catastrophes and Human Behavior" and focuses on how humans behave when faced with disasters such as plagues or earthquakes. "We will examine major catastrophic events from the past, look to potential future events, and consider a concept for increasing our chances of survival," the course catalog reads. Teacher Glenn Stutzk summarised it by saying "in a time of catastrophe, some people find their humanity; others lose theirs."
The course, according to Time Magazine, focuses on how humans behave when faced with plagues or other catastrophic events. The course will cover the hypothetical questions concerning a zombie uprising, but will also look at how to deal with earthquakes, plagues, falling meteors and other doomsday scenarios.
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