Nature & Environment
Himalayan glaciers growing despite warming
T.K. RandallApril 17, 2012 ·
Image Credit: NASA
Despite talk of global warming and melting ice sheets the Himalayan glaciers appear to be growing.
Over a nine year period French scientists created 3D maps of one part of the Himalayas which showed that while glaciers around the world are reported to be shrinking in size, these appear to be getting larger. The findings continue to fuel controversy over the true impact of climate change. "In our warming world, there are regions of the Earth where, for a few years or decades, the atmosphere is not warming or is even cooling," said project leader Julie Gardelle. "So it is not really a big surprise that there are some regions where the temperature is not rising and the Karakoram may be one of those."
In the Karakoram mountain range on the border of Pakistan and China, glaciers have defied global warming to become marginally larger over a decade, researchers said.
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