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World of the Bizarre

Man at cinema shoots self in buttocks

By T.K. Randall
August 16, 2012 · Comment icon 57 comments

Image Credit: CC 3.0 sailko
A man attending a Nevada screening of The Bourne Legacy managed to shoot himself during the film.
The 56-year-old man had settled down with about 30 other people to watch the movie when the gun he was carrying accidentally discharged and fired a bullet in to his posterior. Apologizing to shocked cinema-goers, the man stood up and made a hasty retreat from the building. While he did have permission to be carrying a concealed weapon he now faces charges for firing the gun in a theater.

"It is illegal in Nevada, a misdemeanour, to either intentionally or negligently discharge or cause the discharge of a firearm in a theatre," said Sparks City Attorney Chet Adams.
A 56-year-old man who shot himself in the buttocks when his gun fell from his pocket at a US cinema could be charged by police.

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Comment icon #48 Posted by Ashiene 12 years ago
Glad I don't live there, I would rather put up with idiots than idiotic laws. At least we have lowest fatal crime rates in the world and we don't need to worry about being victims of gun violence whereever we go.
Comment icon #49 Posted by jbefumo 12 years ago
Another Republican attempts to blow his brains out.
Comment icon #50 Posted by ZaraKitty 12 years ago
Pure skill.
Comment icon #51 Posted by questionmark 12 years ago
This reminds me of a Police officer in my hometown who managed to shoot himself in the butt while getting into his cruiser. He never lived it down either. I think they called him "lefty" for awhile, not sure why... And the general who shot himself sticking the Colt .45 in his belt.. oh no, that was a different story, the Army uses Berettas since then....
Comment icon #52 Posted by CRIPTIC CHAMELEON 12 years ago
Well if he didn't before he certainly has two brown eyes now.
Comment icon #53 Posted by ufonuts 12 years ago
Everyone has the Right to REAR Arms, Oops I mean BEAR Arms!!! ****LO freakin L***** The End is Near!
Comment icon #54 Posted by libstaK 12 years ago
Bet his fellow cinema goers weren't amused (at first). You gotta wonder how many folk needed a change of pants and it's lucky no one had a heartache.
Comment icon #55 Posted by Alienated Being 12 years ago
I can't really say that I blame him for bringing a handgun with him to a theatre, especially after the fiasco in Denver.
Comment icon #56 Posted by Eldorado 12 years ago
I can't really say that I blame him for bringing a handgun with him to a theatre, especially after the fiasco in Denver. I felt the same after this incident.... "A naked man wielding a 3 ft (91 cm) Samurai sword burst into St Andrew's Roman Catholic church in Thornton Heath, Croydon, during Sunday Mass.The man indiscriminately attacked parishioners - injuring four of them critically - before he was overpowered by members of the congregation." ..unfortunately my fellow parishioners at our local Church object... [More]
Comment icon #57 Posted by BiffSplitkins 12 years ago
Plaxico Burress would be proud of this fella.

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