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World of the Bizarre

Man arrested for stealing an entire road

By T.K. Randall
August 7, 2013 · Comment icon 21 comments

Image Credit: CC 3.0 Radomil
A Russian man faces a prison sentence after police caught him dismantling and stealing a road.
The 40-year-old managed to take apart an entire road in a remote part of the country and steal a total of 82 concrete slabs that used to form the route between a local village and a nearby river. The slabs were loaded on to the back of three trucks after being dug up using a special bulldozer. Police eventually intercepted the theft and retrieved more than $8,000 worth of materials.

The incident is one of a series of similar thefts in Russia that have taken place in recent months. Back in June another man was caught dismantling an entire bridge using a welding torch so that he could steal the metal and sell it for scrap.
The man stole 82 reinforced concrete slabs that formed the route from the village of Parcheg in the republic of Komi to the Vychegda River, the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

Source: Sky News | Comments (21)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #12 Posted by Sundew 11 years ago
Russian steals whole road? You're Putin me on.....
Comment icon #13 Posted by mickymanatiso 11 years ago
no wonder they got caught, they stoled the road so they had no escape route. lol
Comment icon #14 Posted by stevemagegod 11 years ago
Why was he stealing it?
Comment icon #15 Posted by pallidin 11 years ago
Too much vodka?
Comment icon #16 Posted by LibGeek 11 years ago
My new hero
Comment icon #17 Posted by d e v i c e 11 years ago
If it can be exchanged for cash, it will be stolen, too.
Comment icon #18 Posted by brlesq1 11 years ago
Maybe nobody saw anything because that stretch of road was pretty well deserted. I imagine there are roads in the American West that don't see a vehicle for days on end.
Comment icon #19 Posted by Alexandra NightShade 11 years ago
I've always wanted a road! :3
Comment icon #20 Posted by Princess Serenity 11 years ago
I like the one comment: "Only in Russia." This whole things makes me laugh.
Comment icon #21 Posted by -M7 11 years ago
W T F ?

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