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Space & Astronomy

'Death Star' moon hides mystery interior

By T.K. Randall
October 17, 2014 · Comment icon 8 comments

Is there a hidden ocean underneath the surface of Mimas ? Image Credit: NASA
There is now believed to be something mysterious lurking below the surface of Saturn's moon Mimas.
A rocky and seemingly barren world, Mimas had up until now received relatively little in the way of attention compared to some of Saturn's better known moons such as Titan and Enceladus.

The turning point came when astrophysicists tracking the eccentricities of Mimas's orbit discovered that it exhibited a strange wobble which suggested that something unexpected must be happening down below its surface.

The first possible explanation put forward suggested that Mimas's huge distinctive impact crater, a feature that has earned it the nickname of 'Death Star', was harboring unusually dense rock that might be affecting its orbit. This theory was later rejected however as the size of the wobble is simply too great to be the result of a crater and something deeper down had to be responsible.
Another, more plausible possibility, is that Mimas may have a subterranean ocean such as that seen on Europa or Enceladus which is sloshing around inside it and causing the wobble.

Whatever the explanation however the discovery has placed Mimas firmly back on the radar.

"Since the beginning of NASA's Cassini mission, Mimas was almost totally ignored, because it was thought to be just another boring [moon]," said astrophysicist Radwan Tajeddine. "But this is absolutely proof that Mimas deserves more attention."

Source: Popular Mechanics | Comments (8)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Merc14 10 years ago
Cassini does it again! Cassini has to be one of the biggest bang for your bucks mission NASA has ever launched.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Bavarian Raven 10 years ago
Cool. Those outer moons have always fascinated me more then mars. I hope I live to see the day where explorations (either robotic or human) are sent down to their surfaces.
Comment icon #3 Posted by paperdyer 10 years ago
Very interesting and great find! Saturn, not Jupiter was the planet from the book version of 2001:A Space Odyssey. However, the book was written after the movie version. I read somewhere why Arthur C. Clarke changed the planet but I don't remember why. Hopefully the "Kill the Moon" Doctor Who episode isn't right and that moon is an egg for a creature.
Comment icon #4 Posted by BlueBomber 10 years ago
That. Is. Awesome.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Jacques Terreur 10 years ago
Hopefully the "Kill the Moon" Doctor Who episode isn't right and that moon is an egg for a creature. i don't mind the creature...those microbe spiders put me off.....
Comment icon #6 Posted by Hammerclaw 10 years ago
CGI was in it's infancy and they just didn't have the time or tech to do the rings. Just as well, they would been jarringly unrealistic viewed today.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Ashyne 10 years ago
Using the theory of Occam's Razor, the moon is most likely (almost certainly to be) a Death Star.
Comment icon #8 Posted by MidnightLady 10 years ago
I knew Darth Vader was real.

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