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Modern Mysteries

Body found at Russia's infamous Dyatlov Pass

By T.K. Randall
January 14, 2016 · Comment icon 31 comments

Russia's rugged and remote Ural Mountains. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Irina Kazanskaya
A new mystery has arisen in the area where nine hikers died under mysterious circumstances back in 1959.
One of the most enduring and chilling unsolved cases on the 20th century, the Dyatlov Pass incident involved a group of nine students who went missing after going for a trek in the Ural Mountains.

When rescue teams went to look for them they found the group's tent, which appeared to have been sliced open from the inside with a sharp instrument, on the slopes of Mount Kholat Syakhl.

The hikers' belongings were all strewn around the campsite and a trail of footprints indicated that they had got up and left in a hurry, some of them without any shoes or socks.

After following the trail for 1.5km the rescuers discovered five bodies, many exhibiting signs of physical trauma such as a cracked skull and broken ribs. One of the women in the group even appeared to have had her tongue removed.
No sign of the other four members of the group could be found however after an extensive search covering two months rescuers eventually located their remains in nearby woodland.

A criminal investigation in to the case blamed their deaths on an "unknown compelling force".

Fast forward to the present day and now news reports from Russia have revealed that a group of hikers walking along the same route have discovered the body of a 50-year-old man.

It is believed that poor weather conditions have prevented rescue teams from reaching the scene however a full investigation is likely to be carried out once the body is recovered.

Whether his death is in any way connected to the 1959 incident however remains to be seen.

Source: Russia Today | Comments (31)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #22 Posted by aquatus1 8 years ago
Perhaps you should read more reports explaining the mysteries, instead of focusing on the ones that insist there are mysteries that are absolutely inexplicable.
Comment icon #23 Posted by minera 8 years ago
I don't believe there were any mysteries but cover ups by the KGB for their own reasons and the girl who had the missing tongue was found with her face partially in a nearby creek for many weeks before the group was found.They were warned not to go to the Ural mountains by the Mansi  who are native to the region.  This happened in 1959 and the only pictures released was the tent covered by snow suggesting an avalanche hence the diagnosis of them dying from exposure.
Comment icon #24 Posted by Manfred von Dreidecker 8 years ago
The KGB would naturally be keen to cover up radiation exposure from secret (and illicit) nuclear testing, wouldn't they. 
Comment icon #25 Posted by badeskov 8 years ago
Actually, that would not be the KGB, but the GRU (Soviet military intelligence) that would have been responsible for that. But yes, they would have been interested in covering it up.  Cheers, Badeskov
Comment icon #26 Posted by aquatus1 8 years ago
See, if you don't know the answers, they are called "mysteries". What you got there are "opinions", and there is nothing wrong with having opinions.  However, there are people that have other opinions, and those opinions tend to be much better supported by the information that we do actually have regarding the situation. Any opinion that relies on having less information regarding the situation, rather than attempting to account for all the information (to say nothing of being able to distinguish between actual data, conjecture, and outright additions to the original story) tends to be not as... [More]
Comment icon #27 Posted by docyabut2 8 years ago
Comment icon #28 Posted by ChaosRose 8 years ago're the killjoy who spills the beans on the snipe hunt. 
Comment icon #29 Posted by glorybebe 8 years ago
Google helped me 
Comment icon #30 Posted by NightScreams 8 years ago
I think it's better to say that nothing about the incident actually indicates any supernatural or paranormal, therefore doesn't really belong here.
Comment icon #31 Posted by Captain Risky 7 years ago
You don't lose your tongue to radiation poisoning.  

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