Modern Mysteries
Tourists go missing while visiting Dyatlov Pass
T.K. RandallFebruary 12, 2021 ·
Has Dyatlov Pass claimed another group of victims ? Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Irina Kazanskaya
A tour group who had been visiting the site of the 1959 incident were reported missing on Wednesday.
According to reports, the group, which consisted of 8 hikers from Moscow (all of which unregistered), had gone on an expedition to the Dyatlov Pass region earlier in the week and had been due to return on Wednesday but didn't show up, prompting concerns for their wellbeing.
"They were supposed to leave at eight o'clock this morning," a local source said at the time. "But they have not returned yet and there is no contact with them."
It is believed that the goal of the expedition was to pay respects to the nine students who lost their lives under mysterious circumstances during a trek in the Ural Mountains in 1959.
Led by 23-year-old Igor Dyatlov, the ill-fated group had departed on January 23th of that year.
When rescue teams went to look for them they found the group's tent, which appeared to have been sliced open from the inside with a sharp instrument, on the slopes of Mount Kholat Syakhl.
The hikers' belongings were all strewn around the campsite and a trail of footprints indicated that they had got up and left in a hurry, some of them without any shoes or socks.
After following the trail for 1.5km the rescuers discovered five bodies, many exhibiting signs of physical trauma such as a cracked skull and broken ribs.
Theories about what happened to them have continued to the present day.
With any luck however, such a fate will not befall this latest group to go missing in the region.
Update:It has since been reported that the missing group of 8 hikers did successfully return from their expedition around 12 hours late. Navigational issues and bad weather were to blame for the delay.
Their communications equipment had also broken, thus preventing them from making contact.
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Dyatlov Pass
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