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World of the Bizarre

116-year-old is now the world's oldest person

By T.K. Randall
May 17, 2016 · Comment icon 8 comments

Despite being 116, Emma Morano still lives on her own in Italy. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Steven Depolo
Emma Morano is believed to be the only remaining person on Earth to have been born during the 1800s.
Following the death of previous record holder Susannah Mushatt Jones recently, Morano is now officially the world's oldest living person having reached the grand old age of 116.

Born in 1899 about one month before the turn of the century, the supercentenarian still lives on her own at her home in Italy and is in remarkably good health aside from being almost totally deaf.

When asked about the secret to her longevity, she maintains that her diet is a major factor.
"For breakfast I eat biscuits with milk or water," she said. "Then during the day I eat two eggs - one raw and one cooked - just like the doctor recommended when I was 20 years old. "

Extreme old age is actually relatively common in Italy and scientists have been studying the lives of some of the oldest among them to work out exactly what it is that helps them to live for so long.

"Emma seems to go against everything that could be considered the guidelines for correct nutrition," said Dr. Carlo Bava. "She has always eaten what she wants, with a diet that is absolutely repetitive. For years, she has eaten the same thing every day, not much vegetables or fruit."

"But she's gotten this far."

Source: USA Today | Comments (8)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Eldorado 9 years ago
Many happy returns, Emma! x
Comment icon #2 Posted by Myles 9 years ago
Amazing. I wonder if she's seen children and grandchildren pass away. If you think that when she turned 58, she was only half way through her life.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Still Waters 9 years ago
the supercentenarian still lives on her own at her home in Italy and is in remarkably good health aside from being almost totally deaf. She's doing well to be living by herself.
Comment icon #4 Posted by paperdyer 9 years ago
Congrats to her. Must be all of the pasta, olive oil and fresh Roma tomatoes. Can't forget the wine!
Comment icon #5 Posted by Infernal Gnu 9 years ago
OMG, we've got to keep her going! Inject her with giant tortoise DNA ASAP, there is a tortoise called Jonathan that is still alive at age 184.
Comment icon #6 Posted by smokeycat 9 years ago
Congrats to her. Must be all of the pasta, olive oil and fresh Roma tomatoes. Can't forget the wine! Apparently not. "For breakfast I eat biscuits with milk or water," she said. "Then during the day I eat two eggs — one raw and one cooked — just like the doctor recommended when I was 20 years old. For lunch I'll eat pasta and minced meat then for dinner, I'll have just a glass of milk." "Emma seems to go against everything that could be considered the guidelines for correct nutrition: She has always eaten what she wants, with a diet that is absolutely repetitive," Bava said. "For years, sh... [More]
Comment icon #7 Posted by TheGreatBeliever 9 years ago
If nano medicine starts I think 200 year olds will be a common sight..
Comment icon #8 Posted by Wickian 9 years ago
Definitely impressive.

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