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Modern Mysteries

Half-buried 'pyramids' spotted in Antarctica

By T.K. Randall
November 28, 2016 · Comment icon 26 comments

Is this a man-made structure or a naturally occurring rocky peak ? Image Credit: Google Earth
An eagle-eyed Internet user has spotted some peculiar pyramid-shaped structures on Google Earth.
The latest in a series of anomalous objects spotted on the search giant's satellite mapping service, the controversial find has been generating a lot of discussion online over the last few days.

Referred to as 'snow pyramids', these structures each appear to have four sides and have been regarded by some as evidence of an undiscovered ancient civilization.

Sadly though, it seems far more likely that the 'pyramids' are actually rocky peaks known as nunataks which are essentially the tops of mountains protruding through the ice.

The distinctive straight edges and flat sides are the result of natural erosion over millions of years.

Source: AOL News | Comments (26)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #17 Posted by grimsituation6 8 years ago
Im sure mosanto has tomatoes that are frost resistant. Colonize antartica
Comment icon #18 Posted by XenoFish 8 years ago
I wouldn't go near that mountain. It's where Cthulhu lays not dead but dreaming.
Comment icon #19 Posted by Parsec 8 years ago
Are you volunteering? 
Comment icon #20 Posted by Podo 8 years ago
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Comment icon #21 Posted by AdealJustice 8 years ago
could house Jenova  
Comment icon #22 Posted by back to earth 8 years ago
Its page 1 sensationalism !          Its what UM is all about !      So then , people post here ..... and meet the  skeptic other  posters ... and get all upset as they were confused about what the forum was about in the first place .  .... what is it about again ?      
Comment icon #23 Posted by NightScreams 8 years ago
Spreading misinformation?...did I get it right George? Unexplained Mysteries means mysteries that are unexplained...not lying about the already explained. 
Comment icon #24 Posted by cluey 8 years ago
Of course rocks are under all foundations even if sand or ice form over........with global warming.....what lays underneath with eventually show.......
Comment icon #25 Posted by Hammerclaw 8 years ago
"That is not dead which can eternal lie And with strange eons even death may die."    Necronomicon
Comment icon #26 Posted by Hammerclaw 8 years ago
"Great barren peaks of mystery loomed up...against the west as the low sun...poured it's hazy reddish rays over the white snow...and black bits of exposed granite. Something about the scene reminded me of the evilly fabled Plateau of Leng which occurs in the dreaded Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred."  From  "At The Mountains of Madness"    H.P Lovecraft

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