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Are cats equally as intelligent as dogs ?

By T.K. Randall
January 26, 2017 · Comment icon 53 comments

Dogs may not be more intelligent than cats after all. Image Credit:
Scientists in Japan have shown that cats are just as good at memory tests as their canine counterparts.
The study, which involved 49 domestic cats, focused on episodic memory - the ability to recall the details of specific past events. Dogs were previously found to be able to recall the actions of their owners in a similar study conducted by scientists in Hungary last year.

During the experiment, the researchers found that cats also possessed this ability after they successfully recalled which bowl they had eaten out of after a fifteen-minute interval.

There was also evidence to suggest that cats, like dogs, can respond to human gestures, facial expressions and emotions.
"An interesting speculation is that they may enjoy actively recalling memories of their experience like humans," said psychologist Saho Takagi from Kyoto University.

"Episodic memory is viewed as being related to introspective function of the mind. Our study may imply a type of consciousness in cats."

"Understanding cats more deeply helps to establish better cat-human relationships."

Source: Telegraph | Comments (53)

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Comment icon #44 Posted by LV-426 8 years ago
I have to admit, I'm biased towards dogs, but I do think they are deservedly known as "man's best friend" for good reason. I don't know if this is Geo-blocked outside the U.K., but it's well worth a watch; amazing facts and heart-warming stories: Secret Life of Dogs - Series 2 - Episode 1 YouTube teaser for Season 1:  
Comment icon #45 Posted by Farmer77 8 years ago
Cant do it man. Animal shows and movies make me cry like a baby. If you knew the things ive done that would be really freaking  hilarious. But yeah cant do it 
Comment icon #46 Posted by LV-426 8 years ago
I hear ya! There's a section with a disabled little girl being helped to walk by her much loved pal, and even I had to pretend I had something in my eye
Comment icon #47 Posted by back to earth 8 years ago
This is one of those joke threads , right ? 
Comment icon #48 Posted by back to earth 8 years ago
  Here is another joke  ;  " News Flash !     Cat saves family from burning house !  "     (Its one of our dog jokes   ) 
Comment icon #49 Posted by back to earth 8 years ago
Together ,  Human, Dog and Cattle enabled development, hunting, gathering, settlement, agriculture .... civilisation  ! Dog is companion of mankind , the earliest ures tell us ,that Dog accompanies one of the six 'Divine Sparks'  -  ' Vohu Manah '  ( Good Purpose , God Mind, Good Thought  )   on which friendships and  good society depends    Now .... if any cats would care to debate archaeotheology with me , I would be more than happy         ~  Be wared though ....  I have  notes  and references .... lots of 'em !      
Comment icon #50 Posted by Stiff 8 years ago
Which reminds me of the three legged pig joke 
Comment icon #51 Posted by MWoo7 8 years ago
aah hense your logo/persona/avatar back to earth .... GLAD! you're into history etc.     Oh, I think someone cleaned it up, thought he had a shotgun too! oh wellz.
Comment icon #52 Posted by ChaosRose 8 years ago
I love dogs. Don't get me wrong, but dogs are loyal. That means they haven't figured us out yet.   
Comment icon #53 Posted by ChaosRose 8 years ago
The fact that a cat isn't willing to do those things for you indicates their higher intelligence level. 

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