The remarkable video shows the moment a young cephalopod emerges from its egg and changes color.
The footage, which was recorded at the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center, shows a juvenile Caribbean reef octopus wriggling out from a flowerlike group of eggs.
Immediately upon emerging, the octopus changes its pigment and then shoots off in to the water within the blink of an eye.
According to aquarium spokesman Matthew Klepeisz, this immediate change in color could be due to either the stress of being born or a natural instinct to camouflage as quickly as possible.
The footage, which was originally uploaded on to Facebook, has been viewed over 1.4 million times.
I have seen it on the news its very cool and interesting same time, even though its an instinct to keep them alive its part of life cycle with animals when their parental isn't there to protect after they hatch. It depends what type of an octopus and the coloring after the stages of growth after being hatch form the egg. I can be wrong on this its an worth awhile to see event happend.
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