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US Air Force whistleblower dies in bike crash

By T.K. Randall
October 18, 2018 · Comment icon 42 comments

Wolfe always maintained that his story was true. Image Credit:
Former US Air Force sergeant Karl Wolfe once claimed to have seen photographs of an alien base on the Moon.
The 74-year-old, who had worked at Tactical Air Command at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia during the 1960s, was killed after being hit by a trailer while cycling in Lansing, New York.

Wolfe had risen to fame back in 2001 after claiming to have seen photographic evidence of extraterrestrial structures on the far side of the Moon.

During his time in the Air Force he had worked as a photographic surveillance technician which had mostly involved working with the machines that processed video footage recorded in Vietnam.

On this particular occasion, however, he had been asked to report to the NSA facility on the base to help with the processing of some images taken during a recent lunar mission.
While he was there, another airman showed him a photographic mosaic comprised of images taken during multiple passes of the lunar orbiter. He claimed that it showed a 'base' on the Moon's far side.

"He pulled out one of these mosaics, and showed this base which had geometric shapes - there were towers, there were spherical buildings, there were very tall towers and things that looked somewhat like radar dishes, but they were very large structures," Wolfe said.

After he went home, he had expected to hear about the discovery on the news, but the announcement never came. He eventually realized that the presence of the base must have been covered up.

Even now, over 50 years on, no definitive explanation for what he saw that day has ever been found.

Source: Fox News | Comments (42)

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Comment icon #33 Posted by stereologist 6 years ago
The idea of a cover up by Nasa would require that Nasa also have assistance from the ESA and Russia and China and India as well as all astronomers that can see the Apollo 17 landing area from Earth. The idea of a cover up is really ludicrous. The first person to announce the discovery of an alien site on the Moon would be a video that would be shown forever.  So far no one has found anything.  That hasn't stopped people like Wolfe from pretending and getting attention from those that can't seem to see the obvious. Wolfe was a hoaxer.
Comment icon #34 Posted by Alien Origins 6 years ago
Comment icon #35 Posted by Emma_Acid 6 years ago
That's a "no" then Its not about "fun", its about backing up claims you make. A lot of people love the subject of the moon landings and hate it being swamped with woo, pseudoscience and myths. Another example of a conspiracy theorist really not thinking about what they are saying. 1. Why doctor the footage, why not just not release it? 2. How did they know it was doctored? 3. When was it doctored? In the 70s? What sort of doctoring abilities did they have then? And if it wasn't in the 70s, why aren't there undoctored versions doing the rounds? This isn't about "positive and negative feedback",... [More]
Comment icon #36 Posted by stereologist 6 years ago
I would also point out that there have been landers on the Moon since that time. Why don't the Moon landers go to the structures? Why do they go to other places on the Moon. If there was some high tech that might give a nation an advantage over other nations don't the conspiracy believers think that a government would use it? It would sense to me to get there and be first and retrieve whatever information is available. It would be much simpler than going to Mars and having the rovers search Mars. I think this is all hooey.
Comment icon #37 Posted by toast 6 years ago
Secret landers and probes are still in operation since the 60s, launched from Groom Lake by secret and alien tech based zero-noise/zero-blaze/zero-infrared pollution stealth carriers on behalf of the US government and funded by black budget, I tell ya.
Comment icon #38 Posted by bee 6 years ago
  Well here's the thing..... I'm not making any claims -  I'm looking at the subject and the possibilities because of the claims that others have made.. aaaanyway... I will give Neil Armstrong the last word (for now) ..... when he spoke about breakthroughs available to those who could remove 'one of truth's protective layers'       
Comment icon #39 Posted by stereologist 6 years ago
It is always easy to say that you are just reporting what others have reported. So here are things other people reported: 1. The Moon is indeed made of cheese - Wallace and Gromit 2. The Moon is hollow 3. There are beings living in the Moon - Wells 4. There are flying bat people on the Moon - New York Sun 5. Cities on the Moon - Herschel the astronomer
Comment icon #40 Posted by Emma_Acid 6 years ago
Absolutely irrelevant. As usual, there is zero substance to this conspiracy. 
Comment icon #41 Posted by ChrLzs 6 years ago
Neil was indeed a thoughtful and sometimes very poetic writer, and a pretty deep thinker.  While he tried to avoid politics, this was in the midst of the cold war and some very unpleasant politics, and here's what he actually said, as part of a lengthy speech about human endeavour: Sure, if you just want something to feed your conspiracy mindset, you could interpret that as him suggesting there was a truth of some kind that he knew about but couldn't say.  But if you used that as some sort of evidence of the moon landings being a hoax, then that would just show that your research skills are... [More]
Comment icon #42 Posted by Emma_Acid 6 years ago
And that "truth" is hard to find - i.e. maybe you have to leave the earth to find out things about humanity. But of course to conspiracy theorists, anything can be evidence of anything.

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