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Modern Mysteries

Mysterious hidden bunker unearthed in Poland

By T.K. Randall
June 12, 2019 · Comment icon 15 comments

Could the bunker contain Russia's Amber Room ? Image Credit: Branson DeCou
Treasure hunters believe that the bunker could be where the Nazis stored Russia's long-lost Amber Room.
Featuring walls adorned with priceless amber panels, gold and pearls, the 18th century room, which was plundered by the Nazis during World War II, was such a sight to behold that it was often regarded as the 8th Wonder of the World and is now estimated to be worth in excess of $275 million.

When Germany was defeated it was thought that the Amber Room may have been carefully stashed away somewhere by the fleeing Nazis with the intention of returning for it at a later date.

Exactly where they might have hidden it however has long remained a mystery.

Now though, treasure hunters in Poland believe that they may have finally uncovered its whereabouts thanks to the discovery of a hatch leading to what is thought to be a hidden bunker.
"Thanks to the use of a professional geo-radar, we were able to determine the location of an underground tunnel," they told a local paper. "After digging up the place indicated by the device, we actually found a hatch, which has almost certainly not been opened since the war."

"Several dozen years have passed since the entrance was buried. At that time, on the original 1.5m x 1.5m plate, which closes the entrance, a tree has grown."

The team will now need to wait until the tree has been cut down before they can explore further.

It will be very interesting to see what, if anything, they find inside.

Source: Sputnik International | Comments (15)

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Comment icon #6 Posted by Aardvark-DK 5 years ago
Putin comes and claim it, if its found, fair enough...
Comment icon #7 Posted by Noteverythingisaconspiracy 5 years ago
If you read the artcle it seems like this is merely speculation. There are endless speculation as to what happened to the amber room, the most likely is that it was destroyed when the Soviet army attacked Königsberg.  If the Germans wanted to hide it from the Soviets, why would they hide it somewhere that was being overrun by the Soviets at about the same time ? Wouldn't they have tried to ship it out of East Prussia ? This is where the second most plausible idea comes in and that is that the germans did try to transport it out of East Prussia on a ship, but that ship was sunk by a Soviet su... [More]
Comment icon #8 Posted by jowasmus 5 years ago
LOL Not 2 days ago I was telling my kids about him opening Capone's vault.
Comment icon #9 Posted by toast 5 years ago
He has it already, its in the basement of the Kremlin with a 80s Pac-Man machine in it.
Comment icon #10 Posted by ScotDeerie 5 years ago
Okay, I've had it with this endless speculation. I have it. I have the Amber Room. It's in my She-Shed and you can't have it back. Finders keepers. Now stop looking for it. You're annoying me.
Comment icon #11 Posted by ScotDeerie 5 years ago
And that area of the world is LOADED with it.
Comment icon #12 Posted by toast 5 years ago
Exactly. And that area is also loaded with dangerous phosphorus which looks like amber.    
Comment icon #13 Posted by ScotDeerie 5 years ago
Well, better in her pocket than after she throws it on the lapidary saw...
Comment icon #14 Posted by Emma_Acid 5 years ago
It's pretty well accepted that the Amber Room was destroyed by Soviet troops when they burnt Königsberg Castle. It was boxed up ready for moving, and the soldiers probably didn't know what they were destroying. Amber burns. Very easily. In an interesting twist, it's in the current Russian administration's interests not to admit this. Russia holds millions of works of art looted from Germany and uses the Amber Room as a pawn in the restitution game, knowing full well that Germany doesn't have it.
Comment icon #15 Posted by Manwon Lender 5 years ago
I could not agree more.

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