The shop is planning to make a room available for ghostly gatherings. Image Credit: YouTube / TheYorkMix
A suitably authentic looking ghost shop has opened its doors in one of England's most haunted cities.
Designed to resemble a Georgian shop interior from the late 18th Century, The York Ghost Merchants sells exactly what its name implies - miniature model ghosts of all shapes and sizes.
Displayed on shelves around the shop's spartan interior and accompanied by only the sound of a ticking grandfather clock, the creepy creations give the shop a distinctive haunting atmosphere.
The shop is the brainchild of Angus McArthur who is also responsible for creating the Great York Ghost Search, an annual event that has proven popular with families during the Halloween season.
His goal with the shop was to provide ghostly souvenirs to accompany the city's haunted reputation.
You can check out the shop's interior for yourself in the video below.
Hand made out of what? Ceramic? Plastic? Stiffened fabric? Also...I dig the idea, but...They basically have only one product repeated 1000 times with slight superficial variations. It's more like an art installation than a proper shop.
The article states "A suitably authentic looking ghost shop has opened its doors in one of England's most haunted cities." Is there also a least haunted city?
Hehhee, that's a ton of fun. If I lived or even traveled out that way I would for sure consider picking up a couple as souvenirs for my Halloween village.
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