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'Apocalyptic' sky sounds heard in Netherlands

By T.K. Randall
December 17, 2019 · Comment icon 30 comments

What is responsible for the mysterious sounds ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Brian Kerry
Valkenswaard residents have been hearing loud ominous trumpet sounds seemingly coming from the sky.
The unnerving phenomenon was recorded on the evenings of December 9th and 10th by Roy van Zon whose Facebook uploads have since generated a great deal of interest and debate.

"I received messages from people saying that I edited this, but I didn't do that," he said during a radio interview. "I'm glad I wasn't the only one who heard these sounds, as I thought I was going crazy."

The sounds, which can be heard in the video below, resemble a sort of loud brass trumpet or metallic scraping, however it is unclear what is producing them or how far away the source might be.
While some social media users have likened the sounds to the apocalyptic trumpet calls described in the Book of Revelation, others have favored less divine interpretations.

One crane operator has suggested that the sounds could be coming from a crane moving in the wind and it is possible that some other type of industrial machinery could be responsible.

As things stand however, no definitive explanation for the phenomenon has been found.

Comments (30)

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Comment icon #21 Posted by Calibeliever 5 years ago
To me, these videos sound like a waterphone. I used to own one, and I could make these exact sounds with it. Here's a youtube of one slightly different than I owned. Imagine a deeper water reservoir, more resin on the bow and striking two rods simultaneously ... I don't know (*shrug)
Comment icon #22 Posted by tortugabob 5 years ago
This is the kind of crap that makes all unexplained videos on YouTube suspect.  Nothing but lying liars posting this sort of fakery.
Comment icon #23 Posted by L.A.T.1961 5 years ago
A few years ago (2014) I had my own sky noises experience but nothing like the report above. It sounded like a distant fireworks display or even bigger exploding devices going off. After listening to it continuously for about 5 min I ventured outside to investigate. There were no flashes evident and the noise did not have a definite area it was coming from but generally somewhere south of me. There was 100% cloud cover at about 1500-2000 ft and no significant wind to carry the noise. I moved around the garden to see if it would help pin down the location but it made no difference so I went b... [More]
Comment icon #24 Posted by Desertrat56 5 years ago
Maybe the flying air craft carrier flying over the UK (see Dr. Who, Master episodes) was having a firefight with someone. 
Comment icon #25 Posted by joc 5 years ago
Pretty Awesome!  Never heard of such a thing!   I think you may have nailed it though...notice how 'short' the video is...too much and someone like you says...omg it's just a waterphone!
Comment icon #26 Posted by joc 5 years ago
Nah, it just goes with the territory I've traversed...too much loud music...too much loud machinery...
Comment icon #27 Posted by Korrelan 5 years ago
Comment icon #28 Posted by joc 5 years ago
For some reason your link didn't it is. If ya'll watch at the end of the video you can actually see what looks like someone cutting concrete with a machine.
Comment icon #29 Posted by qxcontinuum 5 years ago
The seventh trumpet. The seventh trumpet (and the third woe) sounds, and immediately there are loud voices in heaven saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever” (Revelation 11:15).
Comment icon #30 Posted by Desertrat56 5 years ago
It sounds like it is also cutting metal.

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