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MI6 building blueprints 'lost' in major blunder

By T.K. Randall
December 27, 2019 · Comment icon 12 comments

The MI6 building is located on the bank of the Thames. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Paul Buckingham
Plans detailing the layout and security of the building recently vanished into thin air during renovation work.
In a blunder that is a lot more Johnny English than James Bond, detailed blueprints for the building that serves as the headquarters for Britain's Secret Intelligence Service MI6 have been completely mislaid along with up to 100 other sensitive documents.

The cock-up occurred while renovation work was being carried out on the building.

The documents, which included an internal floor plan along with the location of the security alarms, were reportedly stored in a secure room accessible by a limited number of personnel.

Although some of the files were recovered, a significant number remain unaccounted for.
The firm responsible for carrying out the work - Balfour Beatty - has since been sacked.

"All the construction workers were kept in isolation," a source told The Sun. "To lose such sensitive documents was grossly irresponsible. They showed the layout of the building and specifically where alarms and other security measures were."

"The documents would be gold dust to any enemy agents or terrorists."

As things stand however, it does not appear as though any nefarious third parties were involved.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (12)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #3 Posted by freetoroam 5 years ago
SACKED?  They should be taken to the basement and interrogated. Hang them upside down by their little toes until they talk.   
Comment icon #4 Posted by The Wistman 5 years ago
"We do not comment on intelligence matters." Or lack thereof. 
Comment icon #5 Posted by stevewinn 5 years ago
we've all done it, put something in a safe place and forgot where that safe place was. 
Comment icon #6 Posted by Manwon Lender 5 years ago
God save the Queen, because British intelligents can't do it, they have left the building.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Desertrat56 5 years ago
Is MI6 comparable to the U.S. CIA?  Maybe someone sold the plans along with the other documents to the CIA.
Comment icon #8 Posted by RoofGardener 5 years ago
Meh. If the CIA wanted the floor plans to the SiS building, they'd just steal it from the Kremlin !  
Comment icon #9 Posted by freetoroam 5 years ago
I would hope the safe plans for the safe place would have been in a  safer than this. (Where ever this is/was).  
Comment icon #10 Posted by Troublehalf 5 years ago
Sadly humans are fallible and fallibility leads to mistakes. The assassination of Rasputin, claimed to have been carried out by MI6, would never have been brought to light had the coat of the R-r-rasputin had it got caught under the frozen river. Simply removing the coat would have prevented this. Bay of Pigs fiasco for CIA. List goes on. Be more worried about the stuff that isn't mentioned. This sounds more like a reputation 'smearer' for the company involved. MI6, had they wanted this kept quiet, could have kept it quiet. This sounds, as I said, more like 'You screwed this up, so we're gonna... [More]
Comment icon #11 Posted by Seti42 5 years ago
That's an impressive looking fortress of a building.
Comment icon #12 Posted by NCC1701 5 years ago
I thought tat building was blown up bij some crook.

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