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Ghosts & Hauntings

'La Llorona' captured on film in Colombia ?

By T.K. Randall
January 5, 2020 · Comment icon 20 comments

Could this be La Llorona ? Image Credit: Twitter
An eerie video clip of the legendary 'wailing ghost' of Latin American folklore has recently appeared online.
The footage, which has been picked up by numerous Spanish language news outlets, was reportedly filmed in Cordoba, Colombia and shows a female figure at the top of a large tree.

The woman appears to move her arms around as though dancing or performing some sort of ritual.

In the background, a dog can be heard howling mournfully over and over again.

Little seems to be known about the circumstances surrounding the video, however some have declared the mystery figure to be 'La Llorona' - an infamous wailing ghost.
The story goes that after catching her husband with another woman, La Llorona drowned her two sons in a river before drowning herself. She was subsequently refused entry to heaven until she found the souls of her children and thus was doomed to walk the Earth, wailing in anguish and torment.

Some say that the ghost has even been known to kidnap and drown other children as well.

According to reports, the footage has spooked some locals to such an extent that they are hesitant to even leave their homes.

While it seems unlikely that it actually shows La Llorona, the video is still a bit strange - why is there a woman dancing around at the top of a tree ? Who is she and how did she get up there ?

Could it be some sort of puppet ?

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #11 Posted by Ozfactor 5 years ago
I saw this on another site but it shows the lady climbing the tree, standing atop the tree and then climbing back down the tree. I can't remember where I saw the rest of the video but if anyone feels like doing a google search it might be easy to find x
Comment icon #12 Posted by Chewie1990 5 years ago I assume this is what you are referring to? Looks like it's a classic case of find an old video on the internet, modify it slightly and reupload it purporting to be from another place and time and go viral..
Comment icon #13 Posted by Matt221 5 years ago
Its that common situation when your wife goes up a tree to dance you try to film her and the bloody dogs just won't stop howling to her
Comment icon #14 Posted by DieChecker 5 years ago
Just a girl in a tree. Or so it seems to me.
Comment icon #15 Posted by 'Walt' E. Kurtz 5 years ago
It's batman  
Comment icon #16 Posted by jbondo 5 years ago
Can't argue that logic! She didn't drown her kids in the tree tops. Also, why would she drown other children? Is that going to help her get her ticket punched to Heaven? "OK. you found your dead children's souls, but you drown 6 other kids. This kinda compounds the problem. Sorry, but you now have to  go back and find those other 6 souls and try not to kill any more while you're at it."...."How about instead, I bring back 3 and one of those cute little accessory dogs that Hollywood celebrities carry around?"
Comment icon #17 Posted by qxcontinuum 5 years ago
Fake like majority of paranormal sightings recorded in s american countries.
Comment icon #18 Posted by SmartAZ 5 years ago
I don't understand Spanish, but I understand "falso".
Comment icon #19 Posted by Robotic Jew 5 years ago
Why wouldn't they zoom in???
Comment icon #20 Posted by Desertrat56 5 years ago
The La Llorona I was taught to fear never climbed trees.  She walked the riverbanks and ditch banks looking for children to throw in to drown.

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