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World of the Bizarre

Group claims 'alien base' is protecting Mexico

By T.K. Randall
July 18, 2020 · Comment icon 1 comment

The 'alien intervention' idea is surprisingly popular. Image Credit: NASA, NOAA
A group in the country's north-east believes that aliens are helping to protect local cities from hurricanes.
For the cities along Mexico's Gulf coast, hurricane season brings with it an understandable sense of increased trepidation, however for the Association of Scientific UFO Research of Tamaulipas, the threat of a destructive weather event is somewhat mitigated by a belief that the entire region is protected by the presence of something otherworldly off the coast of North America.

According to the group, the cities of Ciudad Madero and Tampico have been protected from hurricanes for the last 50 years by an inter-dimensional extraterrestrial underwater base.

The group's president - Juan Carlos Ramon Lopez Diaz - even claims to have visited the base (named 'Amupac') while astral projecting. He believes that the base was established a short time after Hurricane Inez made landfall and killed 74 people in Mexico in 1966.

Some of the group's members believe that these alien visitors may simply be attempting to protect their own facility from damage, while others shun the notion that aliens are involved at all and instead subscribe to the idea that the protection offered is actually more of a mental force field created through the collective minds of the group members themselves.
The local government once even placed a bust of an alien on Miramar Beach in 2013 on the last Tuesday of October ('The Day of the Martian'), however it ended up being stolen.

But is there really a metaphysical explanation for Ciudad Madero's streak of hurricane avoidance ?

According to climate scientist Dr Rosario Romero, it could simply be that a combination of atmospheric conditions and other factors might help to push hurricanes away from the region.

"We now have advanced monitoring systems and numerical models that allow us to predict a storm's intensity and path - but trajectories still vary widely depending on those wider atmospheric conditions," she said.

Source: The Guardian | Comments (1)

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