Nature & Environment
Gargantuan crocodile captured in Australia
T.K. RandallAugust 31, 2020 ·
The croc was captured alive. Image Credit: Northern Territory Dept of Tourism, Sport and Culture
A saltwater crocodile weighing in at over 770lbs has been caught in a river at an Australian tourist hotspot.
The enormous reptile, which measures 14.5ft long, was discovered in the Flora River around 75 miles southwest of the town of Katherine in Australia's Northern Territory.
According to wildlife ranger John Burke, it is the largest crocodile found in the area in many years.
"The tourists walk down to the river in the area where he was," he said.
"With the weather warming up, the crocodiles are becoming active. They're moving into breeding season as well, and the rivers are low and they're out looking for mates, particularly the big males."
There has been a significant increase in the number of wild crocodiles in the region over the last few decades thanks to a law made in the 1970s to grant them protected species status.
"They certainly are increasing (in number), and that's part of the reason we have the management zones - to reduce the numbers in high-visitation areas so there's less chance of interaction between salties and people," said Burke.
This particular monster however will be just fine - according to reports it will be taken to a crocodile farm where it will be used as breeding stock.
"Hopefully, it will be a little croc resort there and he'll have a new girlfriend," said Burke.
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Crocodile, Australia
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