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Space & Astronomy

NASA to reveal 'exciting' Moon discovery

By T.K. Randall
October 22, 2020 · Comment icon 32 comments

What discovery will NASA reveal ? Image Credit: NASA / Sean Smith
An official NASA press release has revealed that an 'exciting new discovery' has been made about the Moon.
According to a posting on NASA's website, the discovery comes courtesy of the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) - an airborne observatory mounted on a Boeing 747.

Details of the discovery will be announced via teleconference at 12pm EDT on Monday, Oct 26th.

"This new discovery contributes to NASA's efforts to learn about the Moon in support of deep space exploration," the space agency wrote.

"Under NASA's Artemis program, the agency will send the first woman and next man to the lunar surface in 2024 to prepare for our next giant leap - human exploration of Mars as early as the 2030s."
"Understanding the science of the Moon also helps piece together the broader history of the inner solar system."

Attending the teleconference will be NASA astrophysics division director Paul Hertz, chief exploration scientist Jacob Bleacher, Casey Honniball of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and SOFIA mission project scientist Naseem Rangwala.

As things stand we don't know exactly what the 'exciting discovery' is, however it could pertain to resources on the Moon that future explorers could use to build a sustainable presence there.

Until Monday's announcement, all we can do is speculate.

Update: There is water on the Moon, scientists confirm

Source: | Comments (32)

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Comment icon #23 Posted by MysteryMike 4 years ago
Shame, I thought for sure they were gonna announce moon spiders living on the moon. ;P
Comment icon #24 Posted by InconceivableThoughts 4 years ago
I was going to attempt one but this put a stop to it. Your not from Alabama are you?
Comment icon #25 Posted by InconceivableThoughts 4 years ago
I feel its harder to be a conspiracy theorist....having to deal with all the nay sayers all the time is pretty stressful. I mean have you ever tried to explain a conspiracy theory? Its almost impossible.
Comment icon #26 Posted by jethrofloyd 4 years ago
Comment icon #27 Posted by Rolci 4 years ago
Water on the moon is news now? Wow. And here I was thinking that it was clear to everyone that the whole solar system was formed from the same stuff. All our oceans here on Earth were not transported here from a distant galaxy after the formation of the Solar system ya know... Why would it be abundant here and missing everywhere else? 'Cause we're somehow special? Though I'm not surprised if I'm to be honest. I've learned that most folks do think Earth is special. They actually think that when we look back in 100 years' time, when we have colonized other planets and there are settlements on al... [More]
Comment icon #28 Posted by Free99 4 years ago
All this time it was right there and if there is water there will be some type of life there. Microscopic but it�s still basically where it starts. As our technology grows and magnification it won�t be long when someone somewhere on this planet zooms in on some distant planet and something there is looking back at them.
Comment icon #29 Posted by Peter B 4 years ago
Yes, water on the Moon is news. When the Apollo Moon rocks were examined back in the 60s and 70s, one of the first things which became apparent was that they were similar to Earth rocks, except that they contained essentially no water. The similar lack of other volatile chemicals (that is, low boiling points) turned out to be a clue which led to the development of the current theory for the formation of the Moon. So yeah, one of the distinctive features of the Moon is its lack of water, and this new discovery is
Comment icon #30 Posted by Peter B 4 years ago
I think finding life on the Moon is unlikely. Yes, you need water for life, as far as we know. But life also needs a lack of solar radiation. That's what we have on Earth, but not on the Moon. The other thing about the Moon water - it's locked inside glass, and so can't freely flow and probably couldn't be accessed by any lifeform.
Comment icon #31 Posted by Rolci 4 years ago
You mean life as you know it needs a lack of solar radiation. Obviously where there is solar radiation life forms that thrive on solar radiation will evolve. Imagine a planet where life evolved in darkness and where the beings get their energy not from sunlight but from the planet's thermal energy. (We have such life forms right here on Earth.) Then suppose that these life forms are sensitive to visible (to you) light, that the light you consider "visible" is the kind of light that kills them. (Just like UV light kills bacteria). They look into their telescopes (that filter out visible light... [More]
Comment icon #32 Posted by Timothy 4 years ago
Please share your lame joke?  People need a lift at the moment, and lame jokes are a great vessel for humility and being able to laugh at oneself! 

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