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Ghosts & Hauntings

Ghost-like anomaly captured on pub CCTV

By T.K. Randall
May 5, 2021 · Comment icon 15 comments

What exactly is this thing ? Image Credit: YouTube / Nicole Regan
The intriguing anomaly, which looks like a figure with two green orbs, was filmed at the Twa Dogs Inn, England.
The phenomenon was first noticed by Sharon Hankin, an employee who has worked at the pub for eight years. She had been watching the CCTV monitor when something caught her attention.

"I had been watching it all night on CCTV and thought: 'What on earth is that?'" she said.

"I took a video of the CCTV footage on my phone. You can see the outline of a body and it looks like its got a head and legs and at the end you can see an arm swinging."

When landlord Peter Harding went to investigate the beer garden, he found that nothing was there.
"With COVID, we have had to have table service, so we have decked out an area at the side of the pub and put artificial grass down and put up two marquees," he said.

"It was going up against one of the marquees, so whether we have disturbed something in there (the beer garden), I don't know. It looks like something really bright green and fluorescent."

The building itself has something of a haunted reputation, with several employees reporting strange sightings over the years as well as the sounds of disembodied footsteps.

Could this footage show the pub's resident ghost or is there a more conventional explanation ?

You can check out the video for yourself below.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #6 Posted by HollyDolly 4 years ago
It almost looks a hand moving like the two odd orbs are part of a lantren.
Comment icon #7 Posted by acute 4 years ago
The Twa Dogs Inn was built in 1967, on the site of another inn that was demolished but thought to date back to the 18th century, also called the Twa Dogs.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Timothy 4 years ago
There’s nothing quite like unsteady mobile phone footage of a security camera video playing on a computer screen... Potato camera ^2.
Comment icon #9 Posted by NCC1701 4 years ago
It is probably some light build in the phone reflecting in the computer screen.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Seti42 4 years ago
When you shoot video of a video playing on a screen, you get all sorts of reflections (which this looks like) and other odd effects. Basically, this is BS unless the ACTUAL video is released, and also shows something strange. Which, I bet, conveniently will never happen.
Comment icon #11 Posted by theotherguy 4 years ago
  I'm pretty much in the "reflection from something" camp. It's moving kind of jerkily, and like a reflection of a light on an unsteady pane of glass would move. Think about driving at night, and you can see dashboard lights reflected in the windshield or window. That's what this looks like to me.
Comment icon #12 Posted by the13bats 4 years ago
Iiuc we are being presented a soso video of a mediocre video. Watching it all night and you dont know what the devil it is?, had it been me with in minutes i would have shot out there or sent a person out there but i guess not because no investigator photobombs the video. Or perhaps she means shes watching it over and over all night. So went peter does get around to checking it out not surprising he finds nothing. Seem highly likely trying to get a bit of business for the pub.  
Comment icon #13 Posted by godnodog 4 years ago
It must be the dead voters for Biden, they went on a trip to England
Comment icon #14 Posted by Xeno-Fish 4 years ago
I always thought there was supposed to be a different type of "spirit" in the pub.
Comment icon #15 Posted by oneshot_me 3 years ago
Just a spider web sadly

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