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Ghosts & Hauntings

Ghostly extra shows up in family photograph

By T.K. Randall
March 4, 2022 · Comment icon 14 comments

The 'ghost' is visible at the back between the two adults. Image Credit: Facebook / Kim Davison
This innocent snap captured during a family day out to a popular swimming spot appears to show something unexpected.
Back in 2014, Kim Davison, who hails from Queensland in Australia, had gone swimming with her friend Jessie Lu and their three children at a place called Murphy's Hole at the Lockyer River.

It had been an idyllic day out, but when they returned from the trip and took a look at the photographs they had taken, they noticed that one of the images appeared to show a mysterious fourth child visible in the water between the two adults at the back.

Sure enough, the photograph does seem to show what looks like the head of another child, so if it wasn't one of their three children, who was it and why did nobody notice them at the time ?

Most disturbing of all, however, was the discovery that - almost 100 years ago - a young girl by the name of Doreen Sullivan had reportedly drowned in Murphy's Hole at that very spot.
Davison even claimed that her daughter had complained about something grabbing her leg twice while they were swimming there.

"When I went back in for one last dip to cool off I did feel something behind me as I was walking out of the water but tried to ignore it," she recalled.

So could this be evidence of a paranormal presence or is there a conventional explanation ?

You decide.

Source: Little Things | Comments (14)

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Comment icon #5 Posted by ouija ouija 3 years ago
The child at the forefront of the group doesn't look as if he is of this world either!
Comment icon #6 Posted by papageorge1 3 years ago
My first thought is a ghost at a crude stage of materialization wanting to join the family in fun. Here it comes: Papameter Reading 70% Paranormal   20% Pareidolia    10% Hoax
Comment icon #7 Posted by SecretSanta 3 years ago
Perhaps the child belongs to the other person, you know the one snapping the photo.
Comment icon #8 Posted by moonman 3 years ago
You can see the arm the hand making this is attached to. It's a splash, or possibly they are waving, probably both. Photo is so overexposed and blurry, hard to tell for sure. Seriously, how is this a mystery to anyone? When you take a picture of people swimming, they don't stop moving and sit still - they are actively trying not to drown. That involves moving limbs, sometimes frantically. It's like people who claim these kinds of photos are "ghost" pics have lost all imagination. If it looks like a face it must absolutely be a face. The primitive part of their brain takes over and they are inc... [More]
Comment icon #9 Posted by brokenbutcher2016 3 years ago
Seems awfully bright for a splash compared to the rest of the water, even though it may be the only splash in the pic, nothing to compare it to... but yeah I can see it being our old pal Pareidolia..Reminds me of this old pic of ghostly faces of sailors..  
Comment icon #10 Posted by Occupational Hubris 3 years ago
Waves. That is an old photograph showing some waves.
Comment icon #11 Posted by the13bats 3 years ago
Lol, what tripe, When i first looked at the pic my first thought was this doesnt have the "feel" of a phone pic, Then i thought the alleged spookie was a peking duck which it looks more like to me than some ghost brat with a cradle boarded head. And oh gee it can only be a ghost because at some point a child sadly drowned in this popular swimming hole. Bat meter... 0% ghost, 70% Pareidolia, 50% clueless photo owner seeling attention. 5% duck, stray brat, splash, or nessie. 
Comment icon #12 Posted by joc 3 years ago
Nope all wrong!  It is 100% a doctored photo.  Edit the photo and then change the color back and forth...everything changes hue in the picture guessed it ...the ghost kid.  It is a fake photo...nothing more nothing less.
Comment icon #13 Posted by the13bats 3 years ago
Are you okay? You been knee jerkin a lot lately. Anyhoo, Im not "all wrong" at all, i said 0% ghost seems you agree there, i also said "clueless photo owner seeking attention" which is a pretty much a nails on match for a person deliberately faking/hoaxing a pic. However, if and thats a qualifying "if" this is a deliberate hoax then imnsho they did a p*** poor job of it.
Comment icon #14 Posted by joc 3 years ago
lol knee jerking...probably...short on time...growing more short on patience...note to self: work on being more patient (which is key to having more time). My pologies! ...and now, see... I gotta go! 

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