Even driverless cars get pulled over from time to time. Image Credit: San Francisco Police
Police in San Francisco recently pulled over a vehicle only to find that there was nobody in the driving seat.
The bizarre incident, which was captured on video, saw cops pull over a red and white automonomous vehicle owned and operated by local firm 'Cruise in San Francisco'.
The footage shows one of the officers walk up to the vehicle - which was stopped for not having its headlights on - and peer inside, only to discover that there was nobody in there at all.
As he walks away, the car can then be seen pulling away from the sidewalk and driving off down the road, as if making a run for it, before stopping again with its hazard lights flashing.
"Our AV yielded to the police vehicle, then pulled over to the nearest safe location for the traffic stop, as intended," the company wrote in a statement on Twitter.
"An officer contacted Cruise personnel and no citation was issued."
"We work closely with the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) on how to interact with our vehicles, including a dedicated phone number for them to call in situations like this."
It wasn't a driverless car. The ghost was driving that car! Mods switch this to the 'Ghosts, Hauntings and The Paranormal' secton. And let the Papageorge analyze this.
That's one of the few early Stephen King books I never read. It wouldn't surprise me if someday someone hacked a driverless vehicle to wreak havoc and mayhem on the public
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