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T.rex may have been nearly twice the size, new study suggests

By T.K. Randall
November 17, 2022 · Comment icon 3 comments

How big was the biggest T.rex ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 ScottRobertAnselmo
The iconic predatory dinosaur may have been as much as 70% larger than fossil discoveries suggest.
There are few dinosaurs as iconic as Tyrannosaurus rex - a terrifying predatory behemoth of the prehistoric age that was as large as it was dangerous, a true monster in every sense of the word.

Now, though, paleontologists from the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Ontario have put forward the idea that T. rex may have been bigger than we thought... a lot bigger.

The heaviest specimen on record currently, nicknamed 'Scotty', weighed in at a staggering 8,870 kg when it was alive - equivalent to six-and-a-half Volkswagen Beetles.
According to the new study, however, some specimens may have actually weighed up to 70% more than this, making them in excess of 15,000kg (more than an average school bus).

To determine this, the researchers examined data concerning the 32 known specimens found to date and cross-referenced this with data on population numbers and average life-spans.

The resulting model suggested that the largest individuals were much larger than any of those discovered so far, but without a corroborating specimen it will be impossible to know for sure.

"This is simply a thought experiment with some numbers behind it," said study co-author Jordan Mallon. "It's something that's fun to think about."

Source: Live Science | Comments (3)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by jethrofloyd 2 years ago
That monster would be something to behold!
Comment icon #2 Posted by NCC1701 2 years ago
Not my favorite kind of animal anyway.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Kane999 2 years ago
Well, there are always going to be uncommon outliers in any population. One could say the same for Megalodon for example. There surely were a few alive at any one time that were nearly twice as large as the average for the species but because of their rarity, not found in the fossil record. Now those would have been monsters even to T. Rex.

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