The UFO Phenomenon
Police officer photographs UFO over Anna Maria Island, Florida
T.K. RandallNovember 18, 2022 ·
Image Credit: Charles Morose / Facebook / Anna Maria Island Sun
The mysterious object, which zoomed off at high speed, was seen in the vicinity of a Coast Guard plane.
Bradenton Beach Police Officer Charles Morose had been on patrol along Coquina Beach on the morning of November 5th when he spotted something strange in the sky.
"I saw a Coast Guard plane flying over the bay, then I watch them turn back toward the Gulf," he said.
"I thought what the heck is that as I look up and saw a big black thing in the sky. I'm estimating based on the size of the plane in the sky, it was at least the size of a car, or maybe a small aircraft."
As he looked on, the plane seemed to change course as if it intended to attempt a pursuit.
As it did so, the object - which had been mostly stationary up until that point - suddenly changed direction and sped off with an incredible and seemingly impossible burst of speed.
"That thing had to be moving at least 500 mph," said Morose.
"It just shot off like a rocket toward the horizon and it was just gone."
As things stand no explanation for the sighting has been forthcoming, but Morose remains adamant that it was certainly no drone.
The Coast Guard, meanwhile, has declined to confirm that the incident even took place.
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