Metaphysics & Psychology
Doctor who studied 5,000 NDE cases is convinced that there is life after death
T.K. RandallSeptember 8, 2023 ·
Could there be life after death ? Image Credit: Pixabay / sciencefreak
Oncologist Jeffrey Long is about as qualified as anyone can be to claim that we continue on after the physical body dies.
Long, who gained a keen interest in the topic of life after death after reading an article on near-death experiences, was so intrigued by the subject that he ended up founding the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation in an effort to get to the bottom of the mystery once and for all.
Over the course of 37 years, he studied close to 5,000 NDE cases and eventually reached the conclusion that life does go on after the physical body dies.
"The bottom line is that [no conventional explanations for NDEs] hold water," he wrote in
Insider Magazine. "There isn't even a remotely plausible physical explanation for this phenomenon."
"These experiences may sound cliche: the bright light, the tunnel, the loved ones."
"But over [several decades] of studying NDEs, I've come to believe that these descriptions have become cultural tropes because they're true."
In one case, he worked with a group of children under the age of 5 who all described the same type of near-death experiences as adults typically do.
In another, a woman who lost consciousness while riding her horse experienced herself traveling back to the farm with the horse, even though her body was lying stationary on the ground.
Afterward, she described what was happening on the farm, even though she hadn't actually been there at the time and couldn't have possibly known.
"In the face of overwhelming evidence, I've come to believe there's certainly an afterlife," said Long.
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Life After Death
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