The mystery bovine. Image Credit: YouTube / KOCO 5 News / Lisa Barclay
Several people claim to have witnessed and even photographed one of the strangest recent cryptozoological enigmas.
It might not be Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster, but the enigmatic 'Thundercow' of Lake Thunderbird in Oklahoma is fast becoming something of a cryptozoological legend in its own right.
The dark-colored bovine, which is almost certainly nothing more than a regular cow, has been sighted multiple times in and around the area, including in the back yards of local residents.
Although some have managed to take photographs of the cow, to date nobody has actually been able to capture it and its elusive nature has afforded it something of a mythical status.
"I believe she's real," former local teacher Jessica Kelley told KOCO 5 News.
"She hangs out around Lake Thunderbird, so that's how she got her name, Thundercow."
"Many have tried, but no one can get her. She travels in the dark, so nobody can get her."
Exactly where the cow came from and how it has managed to elude capture for so long remains unclear, but at the very least there is conclusive evidence that it actually exists.
"Not only were there hoofprints, but she left a nice little cow patty behind," said local resident Natalie Bevill who received a visit from the animal one night. "She just sort of popped out of nowhere."
"It startled us because it's a loose cow and it's pitch-black outside."
You can check out a local news report about the creature below.
The animal in the photo, it looks like a regular iberian bull. [More]
Okay, this is obviously satire of cryptozoology in general, but there really is something sinister about an out-of-place cow. You don't expect to see an all-black cow standing in your driveway after midnight. It feels like a paranormal experience.
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