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Modern Mysteries

Sweden's own 'X-Files' stored within gigantic paranormal archive

By T.K. Randall
March 24, 2024 · Comment icon 6 comments
Five people taking part in a seance in 1920.
What secrets lie within the depths of the archive ? Image Credit: William Hope / Public Domain
The enormous archive contains countless books, documents and files pertaining to the unexplained.
Few outside of Sweden will have likely heard of it, but the AFU (Archives for the Unexplained) is one of the largest collections of paranormal documents, books and files anywhere in the world.

Currently run by "curious investigators of the unknown" Clas Svahn and Anders Liljegren, the archive is situated in the town of Norrkoping and takes up a whopping 700 square meters of space.

Within its walls are more than 50 years of books and documents pertaining to every possible aspect of the unexplained, including the written testimonies of first-hand experiencers.

"What we are building here at AFU is depository knowledge," said Svahn.

"We're trying to get as much as we can on... every kind of unsolved scientific mystery that we can find... to make this available for the world."

While the archive is currently in the process of being digitized to provide easier access to its records, it is still possible for interested parties to secure an appointment to visit the building in person.
In total, some 300 people are granted access each year.

One of these is Greg Eghigian of the Pennsylvania State University who wanted to use the archive to help him research the history of UFO sightings in the country.

"The AFU is without question the... most comprehensive archive for materials involving the global history of the UFO phenomenon in the world," he said.

"One cannot study the subject thoroughly without consulting its holdings."

With any luck, once the archive has been digitized, the general public will have easier access to it.

When that happens, who knows what secrets will be unearthed within its files.

The official website of the AFU can be found - here.

Source: | Comments (6)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by fred_mc 5 months ago
Here I found a link: Some of UFO Sweden's podcasts discuss AFU, they are in Swedish though:
Comment icon #2 Posted by Saru 5 months ago
Thanks, I've gone ahead and added the link to the article.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Hankenhunter 5 months ago
So much for the US. and Canada being the only UFO meccas. Can't wait till it's all digitized. 
Comment icon #4 Posted by Hazzard 5 months ago
Those guys are so boring to listen to my God!!  Like two half deaf grandfathers talking about their colons.   
Comment icon #5 Posted by Alchopwn 5 months ago
This is a great topic.  Thanks for the link.
Comment icon #6 Posted by fred_mc 5 months ago
There is btw a new UFO series on Swedish TV4. In the first episode that was shown this week they showed a bit from AFU. I thought it was just one location but they said there was so much material so it was spread out in many locations, might have been 12. They are all in the same town though, Norrköping.

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