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Prospector films possible black panther in Victoria, Australia

By T.K. Randall
May 6, 2024 · Comment icon 7 comments
Possible big cat sighting in Australia.
Could this be a panther ? Image Credit: Facebook / Gold Coins and Relics Australia
The animal, which looked unusually large for a domestic cat, was seen bounding through a nearby field.
Over the years we've seen plenty of videos purporting to show evidence of large felines in the UK, but relatively few from Australia - a country that would certainly be more capable than the British Isles of providing a home to a population of large, exotic, predatory cats.

This latest evidence that such animals might exist in the country comes courtesy of prospector Angus James who had been searching for gold near the historic mining town of Ballarat in Victoria when he spotted an unusual animal in a nearby field.

He started recording footage as the creature bounded through the long grass.

"I was metal detecting when I saw the blackness in the paddock," he told Yahoo! News.
"Whatever it was, was quite a big cat of some sort, maybe it had just been eating lots of farmyard mice. But it was moving in a straight line and it had a very heavy run."

After uploading his footage to social media, it quickly racked up over one million views and prompted others in the local area to come forward and report similar sightings.

Whether or not the video actually does show a black panther remains unclear, but it's certainly an interesting clip and one that's likely to reignite the debate about exotic big cats in Australia.

You can check out the footage for yourself below.

Source: Yahoo! News | Comments (7)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Buzz_Light_Year 5 months ago
The size of the tail was interesting. The way the cat had to run through the tall grass may have made it appear larger.
Comment icon #2 Posted by OpenMindedSceptic 5 months ago
It looks compelling.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Abramelin 5 months ago
Looks very similar to a running black panther:  
Comment icon #4 Posted by Ell 5 months ago
It is probably a kangaroe - or a crocodile.
Comment icon #5 Posted by esoteric_toad 5 months ago
Proportions look off to me  
Comment icon #6 Posted by ercbreeze 5 months ago
Domesticated cat for sure, didn't have any characteristics of a large cat  
Comment icon #7 Posted by simplybill 5 months ago
Comparing the height of the grass alongside the fence line and in the field to the height of the cat, I have to go with jaguar black panther.  The grass alongside the fence appears to be about 20-24 inches (50.8+ cm) tall, judging by the woven wire underneath the barbed wire. I have similar fence wire on my acreage here in Iowa. The squares/rectangles are normally about 5 - 6 inches (12.7 cm - 15.2 cm) in height. In the fence in the video, I count 4 squares from ground level. In the first two seconds of the video, it appears the cat is slowly transitioning from a normal walk to a loping pace,... [More]

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