Fingerprint analysis deepens mystery of Peru's mummified 'aliens'
T.K. RandallJuly 24, 2024 ·
One of Maussan's alleged alien mummies. Image Credit: YouTube / Maussan TV
The mystery of the alleged mummified 'aliens' unearthed in Peru seems to have taken yet another unexpected turn.
Back in 2023, Jaimie Maussan - a controversial figure even in the UFO community - presented what he claimed to be two alien bodies at a formal congress hearing in Mexico City.
Supposedly found buried between the Peruvian cities of Palpa and Nazca in 2017, the two bodies reportedly contained 'unknown' DNA and were - as Maussan put it - "not from this Earth."
His claims went on to generate a great deal of controversy and debate, with experts slamming his discovery on the basis that the "aliens" were thought to be little more than human mummies.
Despite this, however, the mystery surrounding Maussan's claims has never really gone away.
Back in April, another alleged alien mummy was presented and now, according to a forensic analysis of the mummies' fingerprints, it seems that there might genuinely be something strange going on.
The prints were examined by former Colorado prosecutor and current defense attorney Joshua McDowell who maintains that they do not match any known human fingerprint pattern.
"We did not see any loops or whorls on the prints of the fingers or on the toes," he told
Mail Online with regard to an analysis of a particular specimen known as 'Maria'.
"I'm a former prosecutor. I'm a criminal defense attorney. I've seen lots of fingerprints. And these were not classic fingerprints."
"Maria's fingerprints weren't consistent with human prints."
That said, this doesn't necessarily mean that the mummies are alien.
"It could possibly have something to do with the way her skin was preserved," said McDowell.
"It's very odd."
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Peru, Alien
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