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Search results for: coral



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Browsing news and articles:
Nature & Environment

This 'pile of rope' is actually a live sea creature

2-6-2021 | 0

If you've ever come across a coil of colorful 'rope' along the shoreline, it might not be quite what it seems.

Nature & Environment

Coral 'skyscraper' discovered off Australia

 VIDEO  10-27-2020 | 0

The remarkable 'detached' coral reef is the first of its kind to be discovered in more than 120 years.

Nature & Environment

Coral reefs endured death of the dinosaurs

8-10-2018 | 4

A new study has revealed that coral reefs have been around for far longer than previously realized.

Science & Technology

Could 'super corals' repopulate coral reefs ?

3-18-2018 | 2

Scientists are attempting to create a breed of coral that is more resistant to the effects of global warming.

Nature & Environment

Huge hole discovered in the Great Barrier Reef

9-29-2017 | 4

A giant sinkhole has provided something of a refuge for the coral during a time of significant decline.

Nature & Environment

Great Barrier Reef bleaching is getting worse

 VIDEO  5-29-2017 | 2

Scientists have conceded that the outlook for the world's largest coral reef is looking increasingly grim.

Nature & Environment

Could pumping cold water save coral reefs ?

4-9-2017 | 11

A plan to pump cold water on to coral reefs to stop bleaching has been met with significant criticism.

Nature & Environment

The Great Barrier Reef is not quite dead yet

10-16-2016 | 4

Scientists have criticized news reports claiming that the world's largest coral reef had 'passed away'.

Nature & Environment

Huge coral reef found off the coast of Brazil

4-22-2016 | 11

A 600-mile-long coral reef at the mouth of the Amazon river has taken scientists completely by surprise.

World of the Bizarre

Coral man has 'shells' cut from his body

9-22-2009 | 8

A man suffering from a rare condition that covered his body in unusual shell-like growths has undergone successful treat...

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