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Browsing news and articles:
Nature & Environment

Dung beetles navigate via the Milky Way

1-25-2013 | 19

In a world first, dung beetles are thought to use our own Milky Way galaxy to orient themselves.

Science & Technology

Volvo developing 'crash-proof' cars

12-6-2012 | 13

Car manufacturer Volvo is aiming to build cars that can drive by themselves and avoid collisions.

Nature & Environment

Fish use reflection to avoid predators

10-24-2012 | 3

Silvery fish such as sardines can use their silvery skin to camouflage themselves from predators.

Space & Astronomy

Could spacecraft build themselves ?

9-17-2012 | 7

NASA is exploring the possibility of using 3D printing technology to help build spacecraft.

Science & Technology

Have you suffered from 'hindsight bias' ?

9-9-2012 | 15

Those who 'knew the answer all along' may not be quite as clever as they are making themselves out to be.

Nature & Environment

Termites explode to defend colonies

7-28-2012 | 16

Termites in the rainforests of French Guiana literally blow themselves up to help defend their peers.

Metaphysics & Psychology

Are two heads really better than one ?

4-21-2012 | 9

New research suggests that people may be better off answering difficult questions by themselves.

Metaphysics & Psychology

Talking to yourself helps you focus

4-19-2012 | 29

Don't shy away from people who talk to themselves, they're just trying to focus on something important.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Poltergeist activity filmed in Australia

 VIDEO  3-24-2012 | 35

Security footage shows a box of sweets being inexplicably flung from one of the shelves on to the floor.

Modern Mysteries

Mystery of the standing brooms

 VIDEO  3-14-2012 | 41

The internet has been inundated recently with tales of brooms that stand upright by themselves.

Nature & Environment

Dung beetles dance to navigate

1-21-2012 | 3

Dung beetles dance atop a ball of poo to orientate themselves after a fight or hitting an obstacle.

World of the Bizarre

The 'Watching Paint Dry Championships'

1-11-2012 | 19

People from around the world have been competing by filming themselves watching paint dry.

Science & Technology

New microchip rivals the human brain

8-20-2011 | 17

IBM have developed microchips capable of rewiring themselves and mimicking the human brain.


Early humans very similar to ourselves

2-16-2011 | 13

Archaeologist John Shea has made the case that the earliest humans were very similar to modern humans.


Buddhist monks mummified themselves

9-18-2010 | 72

In the early 1800s Buddhist monks practiced a long and turturous process of self mummification.

World of the Bizarre

Lab monkeys make their escape

7-8-2010 | 16

Lab monkeys in Japan succeeded in catapulting themselves from trees in order to escape over an electric fence.

Nature & Environment

Are domestic dogs too reliant on humans?

6-12-2010 | 37

A new study has suggested that pet dogs are so reliant on humans that they can no longer think for themselves.

The UFO Phenomenon

Latvian meteor is revealed as a hoax

10-28-2009 | 5

The strange object that allegedly fell over Latvia this week has been revealed as a hoax staged by a mobile operator, a ...

World of the Bizarre

Police baffled over suicidal cows

8-31-2009 | 18

Police and locals alike are baffled in the Swiss village of Lauterbrunnen as dozens of cows are mysteriously committing ...

Nature & Environment

Plants 'can recognise themselves'

6-2-2009 | 12

New experiments have revealed that plants are able to recognise themselves and will know when a genetically identical cu...

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