In a world first, dung beetles are thought to use our own Milky Way galaxy to orient themselves.
Car manufacturer Volvo is aiming to build cars that can drive by themselves and avoid collisions.
Silvery fish such as sardines can use their silvery skin to camouflage themselves from predators.
NASA is exploring the possibility of using 3D printing technology to help build spacecraft.
Those who 'knew the answer all along' may not be quite as clever as they are making themselves out to be.
Termites in the rainforests of French Guiana literally blow themselves up to help defend their peers.
New research suggests that people may be better off answering difficult questions by themselves.
Don't shy away from people who talk to themselves, they're just trying to focus on something important.
Security footage shows a box of sweets being inexplicably flung from one of the shelves on to the floor.
The internet has been inundated recently with tales of brooms that stand upright by themselves.
Dung beetles dance atop a ball of poo to orientate themselves after a fight or hitting an obstacle.
People from around the world have been competing by filming themselves watching paint dry.
IBM have developed microchips capable of rewiring themselves and mimicking the human brain.
Archaeologist John Shea has made the case that the earliest humans were very similar to modern humans.
In the early 1800s Buddhist monks practiced a long and turturous process of self mummification.
Lab monkeys in Japan succeeded in catapulting themselves from trees in order to escape over an electric fence.
A new study has suggested that pet dogs are so reliant on humans that they can no longer think for themselves.
The strange object that allegedly fell over Latvia this week has been revealed as a hoax staged by a mobile operator, a ...
Police and locals alike are baffled in the Swiss village of Lauterbrunnen as dozens of cows are mysteriously committing ...
New experiments have revealed that plants are able to recognise themselves and will know when a genetically identical cu...