Scientists have come up with a way to find planets capable of supporting dinosaur-like extraterrestrial creatures.
Military veteran Aaron James had lost his eye and half of his face in a high-voltage electrical accident.
This enigmatic archaeological site in Indonesia has the potential to be the oldest monolithic structure on Earth.
The firm's robotic dog 'Spot' has taken one step closer to world domination - and it sounds like a British butler.
A relative of today's wombats, the Diprotodon was absolutely massive - standing 1.7 meters tall and weighing 3 tons.
14-year-old Bella Spink has a purr so loud that it has been likened to the volume of a boiling kettle.
Pumpkin enthusiasts met up earlier this month to find out who had managed to grow the heaviest pumpkin.
The second law of infodynamics seems to add credence to the idea that the world we live in isn't actually real.
Estimates suggest that the otherworldly whirlwind was around 5 times the height of the Empire State Building.
These mysterious circular-shaped patches of ground are starting to appear at sites all over the world.
The discovery marks the oldest known evidence of wood logs being crafted and joined together to create a structure.
In a world first, scientists have succeeded in recovering RNA molecules from a preserved Tasmanian tiger specimen.
The James Webb Space Telescope's latest discovery is significant, but have we really found life on an alien world ?
The discovery - the largest of its kind ever made - could provide the world with enough lithium to build batteries for decades.
Scientist Kristin Omberg takes a look at nanoparticles and how they could shape our future... for better or worse.
If you spent months cut off from the outside world, would you be able to tell if it was even day or night ?
A man from Switzerland decided to see what would happen if he put his head into one of the world's most powerful fountains.
Dr. Leshin recently spoke about JPL's mission to explore other worlds and offered her thoughts on the recent UFO hearing.
Jupiter is pretty big, but there are other, much larger planets to be found lurking in the depths of the cosmos.
The idea of harvesting solar energy in space and returning it to the Earth has been around for decades.